Finally a final card here
I could also be at a tourist site and wanting to look at different history - a QR code for culture.....a QR code for that......etc...etc.......................Then if I could send stuff from my phone to a stack I'd have a lot more possibilities........i could treat it like my Flickr account and take a picture tag it.....and that would make it appear in a card stack for that tag.....then we can collaborate in a similar fashion.......maybe we can author cards on the go........that would allow location based learning and lots of things like maybe that's a place to stop!
CoboCards look good!
CoboCards look good!
Tags: CoboCards, Flickr, mobile authoring
Flashcard set info:
Author: CoboCards-User
Main topic: Education
Topic: Pedagogy for CoboCards
School / Univ.: University of Glasgow
City: Glasgow
Published: 07.10.2011
Card tags:
All cards (6)
CoboCards (1)
Flickr (1)
last page (1)
mobile authoring (1)
page1 (1)
page2 (1)
Shared Thinking (1)