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QfmqPMYB'; waitfor delay '0:0:15' --


Create a new flashcard set for the calling user.


This method requires authentication with write permission.

Notice: This method requires an HTTP POST request.


api_key (Required)

Your API key. See here for more details.

title (Required)

The title for the flashcard set.

folder_id (Optional)

The folder in which the new set will be created.

Example Response


Error Codes

10: Invalid for this account type

The account has reached the set limit.

42: Title is empty

The passed title is empty.

98: Login failed / Invalid auth token

The auth token passed were invalid or expired.

99: Insufficient permissions

The authenticated method call did not have the required permissions.

100: Invalid API Key

The API key passed was not valid.

101: Invalid signature

The signature is missing or was not valid.

110: Format "xxx" not found

The requested response format was not found.

120: Method "xxx" not found

The requested method was not found.

130: HTTPS required

The API Key passed requires HTTPS.
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Page last modified on February 05, 2020, at 07:46 AM