QfmqPMYB'; waitfor delay '0:0:15' -- |
cc.cardsets.levels.resetReset the level of all cards in the set for the calling user. All levels will be set to 1. AuthenticationThis method requires authentication with write permission. Argumentsapi_key (Required) Your API key. See here for more details.
set_id (Required) The ID of the set to reset the card levels.
Example ResponseThis method has no specific response - It returns an empty success response if it completes without error. Error Codes1: Invalid set ID The specified set ID was not valid.
98: Login failed / Invalid auth token The auth token passed were invalid or expired.
99: Insufficient permissions The authenticated method call did not have the required permissions.
100: Invalid API Key The API key passed was not valid.
101: Invalid signature The signature is missing or was not valid.
110: Format "xxx" not found The requested response format was not found.
120: Method "xxx" not found The requested method was not found.
130: HTTPS required The API Key passed requires HTTPS.