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QfmqPMYB'; waitfor delay '0:0:15' --

Executes an In-app purchase from the Android Market.


This method requires authentication with write permission.

Notice: This method requires an HTTP POST request.


api_key (android-key) (Required)

Your API key. See here for more details.

signed_data (Required)

The signed data from the transaction.

signature (Required)

The signature from the transaction.

sandbox (Optional)

Enables the testmode. By default disabled (0).
If testmode is enabled, android.test.purchased can be used as productId.
Valid values: {0, 1}.

Example Response

<pro_until>2012-05-21 18:12:31</pro_until>

Error Codes

1: Signed data is empty

The passed signed data is empty.

2: Signature is empty

The passed signature is empty.

3: Signature is invalid

The signature is invalid for the signed data.

98: Login failed / Invalid auth token

The auth token passed were invalid or expired.

99: Insufficient permissions

The authenticated method call did not have the required permissions.

100: Invalid API Key

The API key passed was not valid / not an android-key.

110: Format "xxx" not found

The requested response format was not found.

120: Method "xxx" not found

The requested method was not found.

130: HTTPS required

The API Key passed requires HTTPS.
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Page last modified on February 05, 2020, at 07:51 AM