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SSL encrypted credentialsProcedureTo authenticate users in this way, you first need an special API-Key. 1. To authenticate a user call the cc.user.identify method over HTTPS. Notice: Login and password must be passed URL encoded to this method. 2. Use the returned auth token to make further authenticated requests. Notice: Default permission with an special API-Key is delete. Authentication tokensAn authentication token is used to make a authenticated request. Auth tokens are valid for 10 days from the time it is created. Applications must deal with expired and invalid authentication tokens and know how to renew them. Further, to all methods which requires an authentication you must pass the auth token as follows: &auth_token=80553eec10fa0cffdc65350e6492ada8 Each authentication token is specific to a user and an application's api key, and can only be used with that key. An application can check the status of an auth token by calling the API method cc.auth.checkToken. SigningRequest signing is in this authentication way not necessary. |