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All main topics / Medicine / Anatomy / TSM
how is light detected?
what kind of photoreceptors are there?
Light is detected by the outer segments of the photoreceptor cells, which synapse with bipolar cells. They, in turn, synapse with ganglion cells. The axons of the ganglion cells leave the retina and project (mostly) to the lateral geniculate nucleus (lgn) of the thalamus. Horizontal integration of information is provided by horizontal and amacrine cells.

There are two main types of photoreceptor: rods, which operate in dim light; and cones, which operate in bright light. Furthermore, there are three types of cone, l, m, s  each having somewhat different wavelength (colour) sensitivities.
Tags: in turn, Light is detected by the outer segments of the photoreceptor cells, synapse with ganglion cells. The axons of the ganglion cells leave the retina and project (mostly) to the lateral geniculate nucleus (lgn) of the thalamus. Horizontal integration of information is provided by horizontal and amacrine cells., which synapse with bipolar cells. They
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Flashcard info:
Author: Peebls
Main topic: Medicine
Topic: Anatomy
Published: 26.03.2010




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