Across cultures competency
includes knowledge, skills, and abilities to recognize and embrace similarities and differences among nations and cultures and then approach key organizational and strategic issues with an open and curious mind.
Active listening
the process of integrating information and emotions in a search for shared meaning and understanding. Active listening requires the use of questioning skill.
Career Development
involves making decisions about an occupation and engaging in activities to attain career goals
Change competency
includes the knowledge, skills, and abilities to recognize and implement needed adaptions or entirely new transformations in the people, tasks, strategies, structures, or techniques in a person's area of responsibility.
Communication competency
includes the knowledge, skills, and abilities to use all the modes of transmitting, understanding, and receiving ideas, thoughts, and feelings,--verbal, listening, nonverbal, written, electronic, and the like- for accurately transferring and exchanging information and emotions
interrelated cluster of knowledge, skills, and abilities needed by an individual to be effective. Book focuses on 7 (self, communication, diversity, ethics, across cultures, teams, and change)
Cultural values
those deeply held beliefs that specify general preferences and behaviors and define what is right and wrong. Cultural values are reflected in a society's morals, customs, and established practices.
dominant pattern of living, thinking, feeling, and believing that is developed and transmitted by people, consciously or unconsciously, to subsequent generations.
Describing skill
identifying concrete, specific examples of behavior and its effects. Also includes recognizing that too often individuals don't realize that they are not being clear and accurate in what they say, resulting from a tendency to jump quickly to generalizations and judgments.
Diversity competency
includes the knowledge, skills, and abilities to value unique individual and group characteristics, embrace such characteristics as potential sources of organizational strength, and appreciate the uniqueness of each individual. Includes the ability to help people work effectively together even though their interests and backgrounds may be quite different.
Empathizing skill
refers to detecting and understanding another person's values, motives, and emotions. Especially important in nonverbal communication and active listening. Helps reduce tension and increase trust and sharing.
Ethical dilemma
occurs when an individual or team must make a decision that involves multiple values. Doesn't always involve choosing right or wrong.
Ethics competency
includes the knowledge, skills and abilities to incorporate values and principles that distinguish right from wrong in making decisions and choosing behaviors.
Global mindset
viewing the environment from a worldwide perspective, always looking for unexpected trends that may create threats or opportunities for a unit or an entire organization.
Nonverbal communication
facial expressions, body movements, and physical contact that are often used to send messages.
Organizational behavior
study of individuals and groups within an organizational context, and the study of internal processes and practices as they influence the effectiveness of individuals, teams, and organizations.
Questioning skill
the ability to ask for information and opinions in a way that gets relevant, honest, and appropriate responses.
Risk taking
the willingness to take reasonable chances by recognizing and capitalizing on opportunities while also recognizing their potential negative outcomes and monitoring progress toward goals.
Self competency
includes the knowledge, skills, and abilities to assess your own strengths and weaknesses, set and pursue professional goals, balance work and personal life, an engage in new learning- including new or modified skills, behaviors, and attitudes.
Teams competency
includes the knowledge, skills and abilities to develop, support, facilitate, and lead groups to achieve organizational goals.
Verbal communication
presenting ideas, information and emotions to others, either one-to-one or in groups.
Written communication
the ability to transfer data, information, ideas, and emotions by means or reports, letters, memos, notes, e-mail messages, and the like.
Describe the framework for learning about organizational behavior?
Organizational behavior involves the dynamic interplay among employees, leaders, teams, and the organization itself. We introduce 7 competencies in this chapter and show you the dynamic interplay among these competencies.
Explain the self competency and its importance to effectiveness.
Includes the knowledge, skills, and abilities to assess a person's own strengths and weaknesses, set and pursue professional and personal goals, balance work and personal life, and engage in new learning- including new or modified skills, behaviors, and attitudes. This competency underlies the other six key competencies. Mastering it requires a lifelong process of leaning and career management.

Autor: kkelly00
Oberthema: Business Economics
Thema: Organizational Behavior
Schule / Uni: SDSU
Ort: San Diego, CA
Veröffentlicht: 23.02.2010
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