Importance of Goal Setting
Goals direct attention
Goals regulate effort
Goals increase persistence
Goals foster strategy and action programs
Goals regulate effort
Goals increase persistence
Goals foster strategy and action programs
Goal Clarity
A Goal must be clear and specific if it is to be useful in directing effort
Management by Objectives
A management system that uses goal difficulty and goal clarity as its foundation for motivating employees
See Table 6.1 p. 165
See Table 6.1 p. 165
Four factors that moderate the the strength of the relationship between goals and performance:
Ability - performance levels off as the limits of a person's ability are approached
Goal Commitment - an individual's determination to reach a goal, regardless of whether the goal was set by that person or someone else.
Feedback - provides information to the employee about how well he or she is doing.
Task Complexity - Refers to the cognitive processing that is needed by a person to solve the task.
Ability - performance levels off as the limits of a person's ability are approached
Goal Commitment - an individual's determination to reach a goal, regardless of whether the goal was set by that person or someone else.
Feedback - provides information to the employee about how well he or she is doing.
Task Complexity - Refers to the cognitive processing that is needed by a person to solve the task.
Scanlon Program
A Gain sharing program designed to save labor costs.
Uses a formula that bases distribution of rewards on a ratio of labor costs relative to total sales volume.
Estimate $100K needed to generate $500K in revenue.
Actual $80K generate $500K in revenue.
40% of $20K ($8K) distributed to employees, company keeps $12K
Uses a formula that bases distribution of rewards on a ratio of labor costs relative to total sales volume.
Estimate $100K needed to generate $500K in revenue.
Actual $80K generate $500K in revenue.
40% of $20K ($8K) distributed to employees, company keeps $12K
Profit-sharing Programs
Give Employee a portion of company earnings, usually by percentage.
Skill-based pay programs
Pay is based on number and level of job skills employee has learned
Based on skills possessed rather than specific jobs performed
Little emphasis on seniority
Based on skills possessed rather than specific jobs performed
Little emphasis on seniority
Flexible Benefit Programs
Allow employees to choose the benefits they want, rather than having management choose for them.
Also known as Cafeteria-Style Benefit Programs
Also known as Cafeteria-Style Benefit Programs
Direction of attention - focuses behavior on goal achievement
Effort - the greater the challenge, the greater the effort
Persistence - willingness to work at a task until desired results are achieved.
Task Strategy - The way in which a person chooses to tackle a task
Effort - the greater the challenge, the greater the effort
Persistence - willingness to work at a task until desired results are achieved.
Task Strategy - The way in which a person chooses to tackle a task
Performance is likely to be high when:
1. Challenging goals are set
2. the moderators (ability, goal commitment, feedback, and task complexity) are present
3. the mediators (direction, effort, persistence, task strategy) are operating.
1. Challenging goals are set
2. the moderators (ability, goal commitment, feedback, and task complexity) are present
3. the mediators (direction, effort, persistence, task strategy) are operating.

Autor: robertsonsb
Oberthema: Business Economics
Thema: Organizational Behavior
Veröffentlicht: 27.02.2010
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