Attribution process
refers to the ways in which people come to understand the causes of their own and others behaviors. Attribution process reflects people's need to explain events through the deliberate actions of others rather than viewing them as random events.
What are the 5 most common types of perceptual errors?
Perceptual defense, stereotyping, the halo effect, projection and impression management.
Feng Shui
the belief that space needs to be in harmony with the environment. According to feng shui, what is being perceived may be subtle and greatly influences perceptions and behaviors.
Fundamental attribution error
is the tendency to underestimate the influence of situational factors and to overestimate the influence of personal factors in evaluating someone else's behavior. This error causes perceivers to ignore important environmental factors that often significantly affect a person's behavior.
Golem effect
refers to the loss in performance resulting from low expectations on the boss's part.
Halo effect
refers to evaluating another person solely on the basis of one attribute, either favorable or unfavorable. Can happen in the first 2 seconds of meeting someone.
Implicit personality theory
person's beliefs about the relationships between another's physical characteristics and personality.
Impression management
is the attempt by an individual to manipulate or control the impressions that others form about them.
the process by which people select, organize, interpret, and respond to information from the world around them. Key words are select and organize.
Perceptual defense
the tendency for people to protect themselves against ideas, objects, or situations that are threatening.
Perceptual set
is an expectation of a particular interpretation based on past experience with the same or similar object.
Person perception
the process by which individuals attribute characteristics or traits to other people.
Pollyanna principle
states that people process pleasant events more efficiently and accurately than they do unpleasant events.
the tendency for people to see their own traits in other people. They project their own feelings, personality characteristics, attitudes or motives on to others.
Pygmalion effect
Positive self-fulfilling prophecies. Holding high exceptions of another tends to improve the individuals' performance. Basically, people's expectations determine their behavior or performance, thus serving to make their expectations come true. We strive to validate our perceptions of reality no matter how faulty they may be.
Selective screening
the process by which people filter out most information so that they can deal with the most important matters. Depends of external and internal factors.
Self-fulfilling prophecy
tendency for someone's expectations about another to cause that individual to behave in a manner consistent with those exceptions. Expecting certain things to happen shapes the behavior of the perceiver in such a way that the expected is more likely to happen.
Self-serving bias
refers to individuals attributing their success to internal factors (ability or effort) and attributing their failure to external factors (task difficulty or luck)
the belief that all members of specific groups share similar traits and behaviors.

Autor: kkelly00
Oberthema: Business Economics
Thema: Organizational Behavior
Schule / Uni: SDSU
Ort: San Diego, CA
Veröffentlicht: 23.02.2010
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