I just noticed a sign on the wall. Is that alright?
No. Signs must only be placed on the glass to the side of the doors as we’ve had problems in the past of walls being damaged and needing to be repainted from people posting signs on the walls. If you find a sign on the wall, please carefully take it down. If it removes paint, keep it and let Clare know, as the event organizer will be contacted.
Also, please note that signs cannot be placed on the glass entry/exit doors of the CLC due to UBC Policy 120: Posting of Posters, Notices and Signs. If someone places a sign on our doors (i.e. because they have a workshop in the Dodson or Lillooet room), you can politely let them know you need to move it just to the side of the door because it's a UBC policy not to have signs on the exit doors.

Also, please note that signs cannot be placed on the glass entry/exit doors of the CLC due to UBC Policy 120: Posting of Posters, Notices and Signs. If someone places a sign on our doors (i.e. because they have a workshop in the Dodson or Lillooet room), you can politely let them know you need to move it just to the side of the door because it's a UBC policy not to have signs on the exit doors.

Tags: misc
How do I call an off-campus number from the phone at the desk?
Dial 9 and then the number (including the area code, but not the country code).
For example to call 604-123-4567, you would dial 9-604-123-4567.
For example to call 604-123-4567, you would dial 9-604-123-4567.
Tags: misc
A patron asks, “How can I apply to work at the CLC Help Desk?
Julie does the hiring for the CLC Desk in April for the upcoming year, and information is usually posted on the CLC website around early March.
People often ask how to apply for other jobs in the library as well. All student library positions can be found at library.ubc.ca/careers
People often ask how to apply for other jobs in the library as well. All student library positions can be found at library.ubc.ca/careers
Tags: misc
A patron asks, “Can you call a cab for me?”
This won’t happen often, but if it does, the number for Yellow Cab is 604-681-1111.
Tags: misc
A patron asks you for help/advice on (illegally) downloading music. What do you do?
This rarely happens, but when it does it can be a bit tricky.
While our role is not one of policing what people do on the computers, as employees of the library we would not want to provide actual assistance in this type of activity (i.e., we would not want to provide recommendations for the "best" file-sharing sites or actually walk them through the process, etc.).
One strategy that works well if directly asked for help illegally downloading is to just feign ignorance. For example, you could say something like "Oh I don't know sir, I always just get my music through iTunes or Amazon's MP3 Download service").
Of course, if the question is not about the actual downloading of music but is about something technical like say "how do I transfer these MP3 files to a USB drive" we can provide assistance with this (again our role is not a policing role and we can give them the benefit of the doubt that the MP3s were obtained legally).
EDITOR-NOTE: Check with Julie.
While our role is not one of policing what people do on the computers, as employees of the library we would not want to provide actual assistance in this type of activity (i.e., we would not want to provide recommendations for the "best" file-sharing sites or actually walk them through the process, etc.).
One strategy that works well if directly asked for help illegally downloading is to just feign ignorance. For example, you could say something like "Oh I don't know sir, I always just get my music through iTunes or Amazon's MP3 Download service").
Of course, if the question is not about the actual downloading of music but is about something technical like say "how do I transfer these MP3 files to a USB drive" we can provide assistance with this (again our role is not a policing role and we can give them the benefit of the doubt that the MP3s were obtained legally).
EDITOR-NOTE: Check with Julie.
Tags: misc
A patron asks you for help on their computer and you notice they've "written" their paper using a paper mill. What do you do?
For those who don't know, a paper mill is a database of pre-written papers that can be purchased for the purposes of handing them in as if they were your own (i.e., plagiarizing). Using them is entirely unacceptable at UBC.
This rarely arises, but when it does, it's pretty awkward. Our role at the CLC is not a policing role and so it's up to you if you even say anything. However, students involved in such an activity are at a very high risk of being caught and suspended. Therefore, it would be in their best interest if you said something in the way of discouraging them from using a paper mill.
The best approach here is to not take an accusatory ("what you're doing is wrong") type approach, but to talk to them as a friendly fellow student. Remind them that,
For more information, checkout the Academic Integrity Resource Centre on the CLC website.
This rarely arises, but when it does, it's pretty awkward. Our role at the CLC is not a policing role and so it's up to you if you even say anything. However, students involved in such an activity are at a very high risk of being caught and suspended. Therefore, it would be in their best interest if you said something in the way of discouraging them from using a paper mill.
The best approach here is to not take an accusatory ("what you're doing is wrong") type approach, but to talk to them as a friendly fellow student. Remind them that,
- Although writing papers can be difficult at first, there are many resources available to help them (Writing Centre, Research Rescue).
- Most professors run their papers through anti-plagiarism software such as turnitin.com. These software programs are aware of paper mills and index them as part of their plagiarism checking (in fact, they even buy articles from the mills to index the full text of the papers!).
- The consequences of being caught are just not worth it. To see some of the results of student misconduct, check out the 2008-2009 Student Discipline Annual Report
For more information, checkout the Academic Integrity Resource Centre on the CLC website.
Tags: misc
How much does it cost to photocopy a page? To print a page in black and white? To print a page in color?
- Photocopying: 7 cents
- Printing a page in black and white: 7 cents
- Printing a page in color: 40 cents
- Printing a page in black and white: 7 cents
- Printing a page in color: 40 cents
Tags: misc

Autor: peer.assistants
Oberthema: Information Management
Veröffentlicht: 22.06.2011
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