Actus Reus
1. Bodily movement that is a product of the effort or determination of the actor, either conscious or habitual
2. time framing
3. Omissions count only if duty, but people must have capacity to act, omission must be blameworthy, status is not an act
1. special relationship
2. contractual relationship
3. statutory duty
4. omission following an act of creating harm or assuming care
2. time framing
3. Omissions count only if duty, but people must have capacity to act, omission must be blameworthy, status is not an act
1. special relationship
2. contractual relationship
3. statutory duty
4. omission following an act of creating harm or assuming care
Tags: Basic Elements
Mens Rea
1. purpose
2. knowing
3. reckless
4. negligent (higher standard than torts)
If none listed, at least reckless
If one listed, per MPC applies to all circ.; per common law applies only to main one and look at legis intent
2. knowing
3. reckless
4. negligent (higher standard than torts)
If none listed, at least reckless
If one listed, per MPC applies to all circ.; per common law applies only to main one and look at legis intent
Tags: Basic Elements
But for Cause
But for D's act, would victim have died when he did?
Also, concurrent sufficient, acceleration, concurrent insufficient
Also, concurrent sufficient, acceleration, concurrent insufficient
Tags: Basic Elements
Proximate Cause
LaFave/Scott foreseeability test:
Coincidental? Foreseeable
Responsive? Not abnormal
Remember also if there is an omission w/ duty, may be superceding intervening cause.
Apparent safety
Free deliberate informed human intervention
Coincidental? Foreseeable
Responsive? Not abnormal
Remember also if there is an omission w/ duty, may be superceding intervening cause.
Apparent safety
Free deliberate informed human intervention
Tags: Basic Elements
Autor: stgillian
Oberthema: Law
Thema: Criminal Law
Veröffentlicht: 26.03.2010
Tags: Cases
Schlagwörter Karten:
Alle Karten (28)
Accomplice (5)
Attempt (4)
Basic Elements (4)
Defenses (1)
Homicide (5)
Legality (2)
Rape (4)
Self Defense (2)
Topics (1)