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Alle Oberthemen / Medicine / Anatomy / TSM

this diagram depicts the regulation of horizontal gaze. explain how it works.
EBN means excitatory burst neurons
IBN menas inhibitory burst neurons
PPRN means paramedian reticular nucleus
Activity of EBN neurons in the left PPRN excitates the ipsilateral abducent motoneurons supplyin ght lateral rectus muscle, whereas IBN neurons inhibit the corresponding contralateral motoneurons. In addition, excitatory interneurons in the abducens nuclei project contralaterally via the medial longitudinal fasciculus to the opposite oculomotor nuclei, to synapse with motoneurons supplying the medial rectus muscles. The combined effect is to turn the eyes to the left.
Neuer Kommentar
victorpatrick (08.01.2024)
You truly are exceptional since you have a remarkable ability for motivating others with only a few words.
Autor: Peebls
Oberthema: Medicine
Thema: Anatomy
Veröffentlicht: 26.03.2010




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