to set down or think of as belonging to, produced by, resulting from, or originating in, assign or ascribe (to); to ascribe as a quality or characteristic
The main __ of this breed are that they can go for many days without water and are very docile
but strong animals.
but strong animals.
In order to make the service __ to all, we offer the service free of charge.
[adjective] (sometimes followed by `to') meeting the requirements, especially of a task
The food was __, it achieved its primary aim of satisfying our hunger though the quality
of the meal was questionable.
of the meal was questionable.
He is more than __ as a secretary which is why I believe a raise and extra responsibilities
is appropriate.
is appropriate.
Plans are well advanced for the __ conference, which is to be held in 2010 in Durham.
He was the __ winner of the election but many refused to accept this until all the votes had been
The__ time of the accident was 01.00 though police would like to hear from anyone who was
in the area between midnight and 02.00.
in the area between midnight and 02.00.
His negative __ was starting to affect his colleagues so it was decided to move him to another
a body of laws, as of a nation or city; any set of principles or rules of conduct; genetic
code; a system of symbols used as in secret writing; a binary system of converting information
code; a system of symbols used as in secret writing; a binary system of converting information
Code (noun)
The formulation of the __ of ethics should take the outside stakeholders into account.
to put in the form or symbols of a code; to put in binary form, as for computer use
Either lay the components aside in proper order or __ them with numbers and letters so they may be
replaced in their proper position.
replaced in their proper position.
For his thesis he’s __ on just one species though he has written papers on several others.
the strength of a solution; number of molecules of a substance in a given
Calculate the __ of chemical solutions in percent composition by mass, molarity, molality, and
The president will __ with his advisers before responding to the current crisis.
The Chancellor presides at the annual meeting of the University Court and formally __ degrees but
has no other statutory duties.
has no other statutory duties.
the act of conversing or consulting on a serious matter; a formal meeting of a
number of people for discussion or consultation
number of people for discussion or consultation
We will be organizing a __ on risk perception to address this matter in detail.
to compare so as to point out the differences; set off against one another; to show
differences when compared; form a contrast
differences when compared; form a contrast
If you __ some of her early writing with her later work, you can see just how much she has
The __ in treatment between the Vietnamese and Chinese helps to explain the depth of bad feeling
towards the boat people.
towards the boat people.
But the enthusiasm of the 10,000 East Germans who cheered Dr Kohl and pinned their hopes on him to
bring the two Germanys together was in stark __ to official statements on the future from East
Germany's reform-minded leaders.
bring the two Germanys together was in stark __ to official statements on the future from East
Germany's reform-minded leaders.
a group of events which happen in a particular order, one following the other,
and which are often repeated; one in a series of movements that a machine performs
and which are often repeated; one in a series of movements that a machine performs
A lunar month lasts 29.5 days. Many cycles are coordinated with the lunar month or with stages of the
lunar __
lunar __
describes a group of events which happen in a particular order, one following the other,
and which are often repeated
and which are often repeated
a formal discussion in a public meeting or legislature, in which opposing arguments are presented.
The leaders of the two major political parties will have a __ on television tonight.
The government is __ the possibility of raising taxes on cigarettes once again.
We'd better check the __ of the room again before we start cutting this new carpet.
Some countries that have a long tradition in brewing sell only __ beer as the range of local
varieties mean there is no need to import.
varieties mean there is no need to import.
Suddenly, after hours of waiting, the badger __ from his hole and set off for a night’s hunting.
China’s market is an __ market that is attracting a lot of interest from foreign investors.
emerging (adj)
The flight was cancelled in __ which left a lot a travellers confused and angry.
denoting or deriving from or distinctive of the ways of living built up by a group of
An __ group is a group of people whose members identify with each other, through a common
heritage that is real or assumed- sharing cultural characteristics
heritage that is real or assumed- sharing cultural characteristics
To achieve this __ of balanced development, communications between the central government and the
local communities must be such that the needs and aspirations of the people themselves are effectively
taken into account.
local communities must be such that the needs and aspirations of the people themselves are effectively
taken into account.
Goal (noun)
any monetary aid, the act of providing a subsidy, a transfer of property by deed of conveyance
Grant (noun)
From 1850 the federal government made generous __ to help railroad promoters in raising capital.
: let have, give as judged due or on the basis of merit, be willing to concede, allow to have
Grant (verb):
an idea or explanation for something that is based on known facts but has not yet
been proved
been proved
Hypothesis (noun)
Several __ for global warming have been suggested but none have been proven.
This is all very __ but supposing Jackie got the job, how would that affect you?
There's no point __ about how the accident happened, since we'll never really know.
to involve, to connect intimately or incriminatingly; to have as a consequence or
necessary circumstance
necessary circumstance
a formal relationship between two propositions such that if the first is true then
the second is necessarily or logically true
the second is necessarily or logically true
Any report must examine the wide environmental __of government decisions on agricultural
To establish or apply as compulsory; to apply or make prevail by or as if by authority:
impose a peace settlement; to obtrude or force on another or others; to take unfair advantage
impose a peace settlement; to obtrude or force on another or others; to take unfair advantage
The findings show that British car users meet only 27 per cent of the real costs which their vehicles
__ on society, constituting a huge burden on the economy.
__ on society, constituting a huge burden on the economy.
to unit; to designate, to amalgamate or mix groups with an existing community; to
perform an integration
perform an integration
By self-determination we mean the right for us to associate and __ with the unitary state, or, as a
nation, to secede.
nation, to secede.
In July 1990, in Japan, Sony launched the world's first palmtop, fully __ CD-ROM system, the Data
The contingency approach states that while a particular structure may create optimum efficiency in an
organisation, this ideal structure will vary according to the __ and external conditions of each
organisation, this ideal structure will vary according to the __ and external conditions of each
To observe or inquire into in detail; examine systematically; To make a detailed
inquiry or systematic examination.
inquiry or systematic examination.
Sir Edward Heath has done an admirable __ in trying to get agreement between all parties on how to
a card, a strip of paper marked and attached to an object to indicate its nature or
contents or ownership, an identifying brand of a company
contents or ownership, an identifying brand of a company
When someone pays their entry fee they get a sticky __ and we write their name on it.
to attach a label to, to classify as, to differentiate an element or atom
Label (verb)
The various salamander species along the rim of the valley are not easy to classify or to __.
the working parts or arrangement of parts of a machine, a system
whose parts work together
whose parts work together
Mechanism (noun)
To control an epidemic of FMD it is essential to understand the __ by which the FMD virus is
being spread.
being spread.
Mechanism (noun)
The office __ almost 3 floors of the building (for people it’s more normal to use the passive form
“The old house hasn’t been occupied for years”)
“The old house hasn’t been occupied for years”)
Despite not being able to find a job, she kept herself __ by doing voluntary work.
the act of the army of one country taking control of another country; the period
of time that this situation lasts
of time that this situation lasts
Occupation (noun)
The Roman __ of Britain had no lasting effect on the island except for a few architectural
Occupation (noun)
considering something as a whole, rather than its details or the different aspects of it;
including everything.
including everything.
Overall (adj.)
a light coat worn over your clothes to protect them when you are working.
Overall (noun)
Lines that are parallel are the same distance apart at every point along their whole
length; happening at the same time or in the same way but separately.
length; happening at the same time or in the same way but separately.
Parallel (adj.)
A way in which separate things or people are similar to each other; someone or
something that is similar to another person or thing.
something that is similar to another person or thing.
Parallel (noun)
They __ that in 10 years time the Tunnel will carry 30m people, or 44% of all cross-Channel
passenger traffic, and 17% of all freight business.
passenger traffic, and 17% of all freight business.
__ to World War II, there was a higher percentage of marriages than after World War II.
She came here to the office on the day __ to her death and asked about making a will.
skilled, trained, engaged in a specified occupation for pay or as a means of livelihood
Professional (adj.
a person who engages in some art, sport, etc. for money, esp. as a means of
livelihood, rather than as a hobby; a person who does something with great skill
livelihood, rather than as a hobby; a person who does something with great skill
Professional (noun)
Good communications between healthcare __ is vital for effective delivery of care
Professionals (noun)
Canada’s population is __ to rise to 35 million over the next couple of years.
One key element of public speaking is that you __ your voice to the back of the room, otherwise you
will alienate or even lose credibility with the audience.
will alienate or even lose credibility with the audience.
a prediction or advance estimate based on known data or observations;
Projection (noun)
GAD published revised __ for 2004 and later years, based on the revised population estimates,
on 30 September 2004.
on 30 September 2004.
A form of government, a government in power; administration (usually of an
oppressive nature)
oppressive nature)
regime (noun)
After his heart attack the doctor put him on a strict __which he didn’t enjoy, but he certainly looked
the better for it.
the better for it.
regime (noun)
Interpreting his father's death as divine providence, the young Salieri __ to devote his life to
glorying God through his music.
glorying God through his music.
the capability of an optical system, or other imaging system, of making clear and distinguishable the separate parts or components of an object
Resolution (noun)
Both cameras offer a 1/2.5-inch CCD and 6.0 effective megapixel __ to produce images that stay
sharp even when significantly enlarged
sharp even when significantly enlarged
Resolution (noun)
The house was built in 1749 and has hardly changed since then so it has__ most of its period
a group or number of related or similar persons, things, or events coming one after another;
sequence; succession
sequence; succession
The document comprises of a__ of spreadsheets plus Word documents on how the content analysis
was conducted
was conducted
The measurement of numerical data of groups, individuals or experiments. Its values inform
about a central tendency.
about a central tendency.
A study on the distribution of suicide cases in the country shows that there are indications of a consistent
and a __ significant trend away from the older and relatively isolated rural communities.
and a __ significant trend away from the older and relatively isolated rural communities.
To indicate blame, lay the__ upon the pronoun and not the verb in the sentence “he did it”
Thus job insecurity, job loss and job changes would be contributory factors in increasing workplace __
in employees.
in employees.
First time mothers with blood pressure complications in pregnancy should be aware that the recurrence
rate in __ pregnancies is high.
rate in __ pregnancies is high.
Subsequent (adj.)
This __ includes transport to Vietnam and a "reintegration assistance package” of $620 paid to the
boat people once they are back in Vietnam.
boat people once they are back in Vietnam.
to bring into or contain in a brief and comprehensive statement or to form a
quick estimate of.
quick estimate of.
Sum up (verb phrase)
Before __, the chairman made a point of congratulating the organizers for what had been a
very well run event.
very well run event.
summing up
a comprehensive and usually brief abstract, recapitulation, or compendium of previously stated facts or statements.
Summary (noun)
Oliver, in his __ of the habits of the snakes of the United States, could supply data on the
maturing period for only three species. Details of the others I had to find in the main body of the report.
maturing period for only three species. Details of the others I had to find in the main body of the report.
As this __ description of the system implies, every elector has two votes.
Summary (adj.)
to promise, agree, or obligate oneself, to make oneself responsible for; take over as a charge
Undertake (verb)
The married couple __ to love, honor, and cherish each other for the rest of their lives.
The present study was __ to determine the relationship between sexual behavior and EBV
infection in Edinburgh University students.
infection in Edinburgh University students.
The document comprises of a__ of spreadsheets plus Word documents on how the content analysis
was conducted
was conducted

Autor: CoboCards-User
Oberthema: Englisch
Thema: Englisch
Veröffentlicht: 18.05.2012
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