Schreiben Sie die Kurzform (we've got / he hasn't got)
1. he has got
2. they have got
3. she has not got
4. it has got
5. I have not got
1. he has got
2. they have got
3. she has not got
4. it has got
5. I have not got
1. he's got
2. they've got
3. she hasn't got
4. it's got
5. I haven't got
2. they've got
3. she hasn't got
4. it's got
5. I haven't got
Man kann I Have oder I have got sagen.
Nennen Sie die jeweils fehlende Form:
I have
He's has got
We have got (we've got)
They have
Nennen Sie die jeweils fehlende Form:
I have
He's has got
We have got (we've got)
They have
I have got (I've got)
He has
we have
They have got (they' ve got)
He has
we have
They have got (they' ve got)
Uebersetzen Sie folgende Sätze:
1. Ich habe blaue Augen
2. Tim hat zwei Schwestern
3. Sarah fühlt sich nicht gut. Sie hat Kopfschmerzen
1. Ich habe blaue Augen
2. Tim hat zwei Schwestern
3. Sarah fühlt sich nicht gut. Sie hat Kopfschmerzen
1. I have got blue eyes
2. Tim has got two sisters.
3. Sarah isn't feeling good. She have got headache
2. Tim has got two sisters.
3. Sarah isn't feeling good. She have got headache
Uebersetzen Sie folgende Sätze:
1. Ich habe ein Motorrad, aber kein Auto.
2. Wir haben keine Kinder.
3. Haben Sie eine Kamera?
1. Ich habe ein Motorrad, aber kein Auto.
2. Wir haben keine Kinder.
3. Haben Sie eine Kamera?
1. I've got a motorbike, but i' haven't got a car.
2. We haven't got any children
3. Have you got a camera.
2. We haven't got any children
3. Have you got a camera.
Uebersetzen Sie folgende Sätze:
1. Was hast Du in der Tasche?
2. Hat Helen ein Auto?
3. Was für ein Auto hat Sie?
1. Was hast Du in der Tasche?
2. Hat Helen ein Auto?
3. Was für ein Auto hat Sie?
1. What have you got in your bag?
What do you have on your bag?
2. Has Helen got a car?
3. What kind of car has she got?
What do you have on your bag?
2. Has Helen got a car?
3. What kind of car has she got?
Ich bin 32 Jahre alt. Meine Schwester ist 29
Ich bin 32 Jahre alt. Meine Schwester ist 29
I'm 32 years old. My sister is 29
Die Leute dort sind keine Engländer. Sie sind Australier
Die Leute dort sind keine Engländer. Sie sind Australier
Those people aren't english. They're Australian
Es ist heute sonnig, aber es ist nicht warm.
Es ist heute sonnig, aber es ist nicht warm.
It's sonny today, but it isn't warm
Claire ist Französin. Sie ist aus Paris
Claire ist Französin. Sie ist aus Paris
Claire is French. She is from Paris
Das Wetter ist heute nicht schön, aber es ist nicht kalt
Das Wetter ist heute nicht schön, aber es ist nicht kalt
The weather isn't nice today, but it isn't cold
Schreibe die Kurzform der folgenden Beispiele:
I am
He is
She is
It is
We are
You are
They are
I am
He is
She is
It is
We are
You are
They are
Verneine die folgenden Aussagen:
I am
He is
She is
It is
We are
You are
They are
I am
He is
She is
It is
We are
You are
They are
I'm not I am not
He's not He isn't
She's not She isn't
It's not it isn't
we're not we aren't
You're not your aren't
They're not they aren't
He's not He isn't
She's not She isn't
It's not it isn't
we're not we aren't
You're not your aren't
They're not they aren't
Jane ist nicht Lehrerin. Sie ist Studentin
Jane ist nicht Lehrerin. Sie ist Studentin
Jane isn't a teacher. She's a student
Da man im Englischen nicht zwischen Dativ und Akkusativ unterscheidet, gibt es dementsprechend weniger Pronomen, die man sich merken muss.
Nennen Sie die Personalpronomen im Englischen--
Da man im Englischen nicht zwischen Dativ und Akkusativ unterscheidet, gibt es dementsprechend weniger Pronomen, die man sich merken muss.
Nennen Sie die Personalpronomen im Englischen--

Which dessert matches the description?
A sweet dessert made by baking a mixture of flour, eggs, sugar, fat, etc. in an oven. It may be large and cut into slices, or it may be small, for one person only.
mousse - cake - custard - jelly - pancake/crêpe - trifle
A sweet dessert made by baking a mixture of flour, eggs, sugar, fat, etc. in an oven. It may be large and cut into slices, or it may be small, for one person only.
mousse - cake - custard - jelly - pancake/crêpe - trifle
Which dessert matches the description?
A cold pudding made of layers of sponge cake, fruit, jelly, custard, etc. and often decorated with cream, nuts or chocolate.
mousse - cake - custard - jelly - pancake/crêpe - trifle
A cold pudding made of layers of sponge cake, fruit, jelly, custard, etc. and often decorated with cream, nuts or chocolate.
mousse - cake - custard - jelly - pancake/crêpe - trifle
Which dessert matches the description?
A thin, flat cooked mixture of milk, flour and eggs. It has a circular shape and is usually rolled up or folded. You can eat it hot with a sweet or savoury filling inside.
mousse - cake - custard - jelly - pancake/crêpe - trifle
A thin, flat cooked mixture of milk, flour and eggs. It has a circular shape and is usually rolled up or folded. You can eat it hot with a sweet or savoury filling inside.
mousse - cake - custard - jelly - pancake/crêpe - trifle
pancake- crêpe
Which dessert matches the description?
A sweet yellow sauce made from milk an eggs which you eat with fruit an puddings.
mousse - cake - custard - jelly - pancake/crêpe - trifle
A sweet yellow sauce made from milk an eggs which you eat with fruit an puddings.
mousse - cake - custard - jelly - pancake/crêpe - trifle

Rücken= back
Griff= handle
Spitze= point
Schlitz= slot
Zinke= tine
Hals= neck
Wurzel= root
Rücken= back
Griff= handle
Spitze= point
Schlitz= slot
Zinke= tine
Hals= neck
Wurzel= root

Klinge= blade
Krone= bolster
Griff= handle
Angel= tang
Seite= side
Rücken= back
Spitze= tip
Schneide= cutting edge
Klinge= blade
Krone= bolster
Griff= handle
Angel= tang
Seite= side
Rücken= back
Spitze= tip
Schneide= cutting edge
Which dessert matches the description?
A dessert made from gelatine, usually sweetened and flavoured with fruit juices.
mousse - cake - custard - jelly - pancake/crêpe - trifle
A dessert made from gelatine, usually sweetened and flavoured with fruit juices.
mousse - cake - custard - jelly - pancake/crêpe - trifle
Which dessert matches the description?
A sweet dessert made from eggs and cream, with fruit or chocolate added to give it flavour. You usually eat it cold
mousse - cake - custard - jelly - pancake/crêpe - trifle
A sweet dessert made from eggs and cream, with fruit or chocolate added to give it flavour. You usually eat it cold
mousse - cake - custard - jelly - pancake/crêpe - trifle
Cross out any word that dont't match.
Casserole - bowl - potato peeler- saucepan- wire whisk
Casserole - bowl - potato peeler- saucepan- wire whisk
potato peeler
wire whisk
wire whisk
Cross out any word that dont't match.
with handle
baking tin - skimmer - saucepan - ladle - wooden spoon
with handle
baking tin - skimmer - saucepan - ladle - wooden spoon
baking tin
Cross out any word that dont't match.
with holes
colander - grater - frying pan - baking tin - skimmer
with holes
colander - grater - frying pan - baking tin - skimmer
frying pan
baking tin
baking tin