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All main topics / Arabisch / Erholung der Seele (التَّرْويحُ عَنِ النَّفْسِ) / II. EL-Arabiye beyne yedeyk Lektion 2
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New comment
eringbeginner (09.02.2023)
In the same way that other countries have high, middle, and low seasons for tourism, Italy has as well. If you want to save money on airfare or hotel accommodations, it's best to avoid the busy summer months (usually May through September) when most tourists are on the road.
Flashcard info:
Author: Esra U.
Main topic: Arabisch
Topic: Erholung der Seele (التَّرْويحُ عَنِ النَّفْسِ)
School / Univ.: Universität Marmara
City: Istanbul
Published: 08.05.2010




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