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All main topics / Army Board Study Guide / Army Uniforms / Army Uniforms
Soldiers will wear headgear with the Army uniform except under which circumstances?
Headgear is not required if it would interfere with the safe operation of military vehicles.
The wear of military headgear is not required while in or on a privately owned vehicle (to include a motor cycle, bicycle, or convertible automobile), a commercial vehicle, or on public conveyance (such as a subway, train, plane, or bus).
Soldiers will not wear headgear indoors unless under arms in an official capacity, or when directed by the commander, such as for indoor ceremonial activities.
Male and female soldiers are not required to wear headgear to evening social events (after Retreat) when wearing the Army blue and white uniforms, the enlisted greendress uniform, the Army green maternity dress uniform (females only), or the mess and evening mess uniforms.
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Flashcard info:
Author: CoboCards-User
Main topic: Army Board Study Guide
Topic: Army Uniforms
Published: 07.07.2013




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