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Discuss how informatics and data...
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HCI 600 Topic 8 Discussions GCU

HCI 600 Topic 8 DQ 1
Discuss how informatics and data collection help to create better systems that incorporate new technologies and care
delivery models. Other than within the field of personalized medicine, how do you see informatics supporting innovation
in health care?
HCI 600 Topic 8 DQ 2
Discuss how personalized medicine can create an environment where patients feel comfortable self-reporting and how
personalized medicine can aid the provider in creating a trusting relationship. Explain how a Christian worldview could
guide interactions with patients using personalized medicine.
Tags: HCI 600, HCI 600 Topic 8, HCI 600 Topic 8 Discussions GCU
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Flashcard info:
Author: CoboCards-User
Main topic: Education
Topic: Education
School / Univ.: devry university
City: UK
Published: 12.02.2020




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