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All main topics / Medicine / Anatomy / TSM
the stimulation of vasopressin secretion has differnet pathways and involves different parts of the  brain. name the pathways and the nuclei it involves.
median preoptic nucleus (MnPO)
Optic chiasm (OC)
Anterior commissure (AC)

There are three major pathways:
1 Osmoreceptors in OVLT sense the change, feedback to PVN or SON which simulates vasoprssion secretion into blood stream
2 OVLT stimulates MnPO via SON to PVN then stimulates vasopression
3 OVLT stimulate MnPO then stimulates SON and then drectly into blood stream without the PVN

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Flashcard info:
Author: Peebls
Main topic: Medicine
Topic: Anatomy
Published: 26.03.2010




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