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EDU 330 Topic 3 Cultural Competence GCU
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EDU 330 Topic 3 Cultural Competence GCU

EDU 330 Topic 3 Cultural Competence Continuum Rationale
In 500-750 words, write an essay that addresses the following:
1.Discuss your own placement on the cultural competence continuum in relation to the controversial issue you chose to write about in this course.
2.Reflect on what factors throughout your life resulted in your place on the continuum.
3.Reflect on where you would like to be on the continuum to be an effective educator who respects individuals with differing personal and family backgrounds, and who has various skills, abilities, perspectives, talents and interests, including any steps you could take to help you get to that point.
4.Conclude by describing the effect the controversial issue you have chosen may have on you as a future teacher, and on your future students. Offer potential solutions for the issues you identified that you could implement in your future classroom.
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Flashcard info:
Author: CoboCards-User
Main topic: Education
Topic: Education
School / Univ.: devry university
City: UK
Published: 12.02.2020




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