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All main topics / Medicine / Anatomy / TSM
explain ghte spinocerebellar tracts
doral> composed of nuclues dorsalis aetner the cereballum va the infieor cerebellar peducle and have info form the mdulce spindles, tondon orans and joints and cuntaenosiu mecanorecetors.
ventra> corsses over immedialtz ascends though infiero cerebllar peducnel and then corses gaign though the superior cerebellar peduncel so corses TWICE.  in addition to sensor zinpout ofmr the various tyes habe the info torm all descending tracts, like cortioosponal rubrospial reticulospinal and vestiblulostpianl tract.
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Flashcard info:
Author: Peebls
Main topic: Medicine
Topic: Anatomy
Published: 26.03.2010




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