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Interactionist Theory
- invokes Vugotskys ideas of ZPD
- difference between a child's mental age as measured by problems
it can solve unaided ans the level of ploblem-solving it can achieve
when aided by an adult
- ZPD might partly explain differences in achievement in school
because children might differ in their ZPD
- suggests that learners can benefit from help from their interlocutors
at the point language development has stopped and is open to new
- learning is more than immitation
- learners are more focused on language when they encounter
difficulties in production: learning occurs through langauge use
scaffolding - interlocutors speech help learner to communicate and
learn at critical points
provokes strategies of paraphrase, definition,
- difference between a child's mental age as measured by problems
it can solve unaided ans the level of ploblem-solving it can achieve
when aided by an adult
- ZPD might partly explain differences in achievement in school
because children might differ in their ZPD
- suggests that learners can benefit from help from their interlocutors
at the point language development has stopped and is open to new
- learning is more than immitation
- learners are more focused on language when they encounter
difficulties in production: learning occurs through langauge use
scaffolding - interlocutors speech help learner to communicate and
learn at critical points
provokes strategies of paraphrase, definition,
Source: Second Language Acquisition
Source: Second Language Acquisition

Flashcard info:
Author: Nervensaege
Main topic: Anglistik
Topic: Applied Linguistics
Published: 03.05.2010