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All main topics / Differenzielle Psychologie / Alle Kapitel / VO Persönlichkeits- und differentielle Psychologie
Was ist die "theory of successful intelligence"?
Neufassung der triarchischen Intelligenztheorie durch Sternberg
(Theory of successful Intelligence, 1997)

Sternberg hat die triarchische Intelligenztheorie modifiziert oder besser, eine neue Intelligenztheorie vorgestellt.
Es geht ihm dabei um die intellektuellen Grundlagen dafür, dass jemand in seinem Leben erfolgreich ist – egal in welchem soziokulturellen Kontext er steht und egal, welche Einzelfähigkeiten (Abilities) er besitzt.

In dieser Neufassung wird der Schwerpunkt auf das Finden einer
  • individuelle „funktionellen Balance“ (Optimierung im Hinblick auf eigene Stärken und Schwächen) gelegt;
  • Balance in drei Intelligenzbereichen
  • analytische, kreative und praktische Intelligenz
  • es geht um Erreichung eines soziokulturell definierten Erfolgskriteriums („success“).

„My research is motivated primarily by a theory of successful intelligence, which attempts to account for the intellectual sources of individual differences that enable people to achieve success in their lives, given the sociocultural context in which they live.
Successfully intelligent people discern their strengths and weaknesses, and then figure out how to capitalize on their strengths, and to compensate for or remediate their weaknesses.
Successfully intelligent individuals succeed in part because they achieve a functional balance among a "triarchy" of abilities: analytical abilities, which are used to analyze, evaluate, judge, compare and contrast; creative abilities, which are used to create, invent, discover, imagine; practical abilities, which are used to apply, utilize, implement, and activate.
Successfully intelligent people are not necessarily high in all three of these abilities, but find a way effectively to exploit whatever pattern of abilities they may have. Moreover, all of these abilities can be further developed.
A fundamental idea underlying this research is that conventional notions of intelligence and tests of intelligence miss important kinds of intellectual talent, and overweigh what are sometimes less important kinds of intellectual talent.“
Tags: Intelligenzmodelle, Sternberg, triarchische Intelligenztheorie
Source: S71
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Flashcard info:
Author: ZoeSzapary
Main topic: Differenzielle Psychologie
Topic: Alle Kapitel
School / Univ.: Universität Wien
City: Wien
Published: 11.12.2019




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