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All main topics / Psychologie / Biologische Psychologie / Biologische Psychologie
Wie verlaufen Hirnantworten zu erwarteten Belohnungen?
  1. The expected future reward associated with each action option can be addressed by passive conditioning paradigms
  2. Establishment of CS+ and CS- stimuli and corresponding reward/non-reward expecations
  3. Observation of brain activity following the presentation of these CS+ and CS- stimuli
  4. Presentation of CS+ induces activation in

  • the ventral striatum (Ncl. Accumbens),
  • orbitofrontal cortex and
  • the amygdala
Source: V4 Emotionen positive Gefühle und Trauer, S35, 2011
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Flashcard info:
Author: Finn
Main topic: Psychologie
Topic: Biologische Psychologie
School / Univ.: Friedrich-Schiller-Universität
Published: 29.05.2012




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