What is a lyric? Give an example of one.
Lyric Poetry consists of a poem, such as a sonnet or an ode, that expresses the thoughts and feelings of the poet. The term lyric is now commonly referred to as the words to a song. Lyric poetry does not tell a story which portrays characters and actions. The lyric poet addresses the reader directly, portraying his or her own feeling, state of mind, and perceptions.
The Tyger by William Blake
The Road not Taken by Robert Frost
I Felt a Funeral in my Brain by Emily Dickinson
Dying by Emily Dickinson
The Tyger by William Blake
The Road not Taken by Robert Frost
I Felt a Funeral in my Brain by Emily Dickinson
Dying by Emily Dickinson
Tags: Blake, Dickinson, Frost, lyric, poetry
Source: http://poeticterminology.net/31-lyric-poetry.htm
Source: http://poeticterminology.net/31-lyric-poetry.htm
What is an elegy? Give an example of one.
An Elegy is a sad and thoughtful poem lamenting the death of a person.
O Captain! My Captain! by Walt Whitman
Because I could not stop for death by Emily Dickinson
Funeral Blues by Hugh Auden
O Captain! My Captain! by Walt Whitman
Because I could not stop for death by Emily Dickinson
Funeral Blues by Hugh Auden
Tags: Auden, Dickinson, elegy, poetry, Whitman
Source: http://poeticterminology.net/18-elegy.htm
Source: http://poeticterminology.net/18-elegy.htm

Flashcard set info:
Author: CoboCards-User
Main topic: Literature
Topic: Poetry
Published: 10.04.2014