Accomplice Elements
1 - Principal from whom can derive liability, has to commit crime or attempt (MPC says ok if no principal but you think committing crime)
2. mens rea
3. actus reus
2. mens rea
3. actus reus
Tags: Accomplice
Accomplice Mens Rea
1 - intent to assist primary in conduct constituting offense
2 - w/mens rea required for committing offense
2 - w/mens rea required for committing offense
Tags: Accomplice
Accomplice Actus Reus
Aid, encouragement, assistance:
1 - physical conduct
2 - psychological influence
3 - omission if duty
*mere presence and knowledge not enough
Common law - have to help
MPC - think you're helping, enough
1 - physical conduct
2 - psychological influence
3 - omission if duty
*mere presence and knowledge not enough
Common law - have to help
MPC - think you're helping, enough
Tags: Accomplice
Natural and Prob. Consequences
If accomplice to one crime and addt'l crimes reasonably foreseeable, guilty of those, too.
Tags: Accomplice
Flashcard set info:
Author: stgillian
Main topic: Law
Topic: Criminal Law
Published: 26.03.2010
Tags: Cases
Card tags:
All cards (28)
Accomplice (5)
Attempt (4)
Basic Elements (4)
Defenses (1)
Homicide (5)
Legality (2)
Rape (4)
Self Defense (2)
Topics (1)