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All main topics / biotech / creative biolabs

creative biolabs (11 Cards)

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Lateral-Flow Immunochromatographic Assay
Lateral flow immunochromatographic assay (LFIA) is a widely used diagnostic tool known for its simplicity, rapid results, and versatility in various fields such as healthcare, agriculture, and food safety. This assay is a paper-based platform that allows the detection of the presence or absence of a target analyte in a sample, such as proteins, hormones, or pathogens. The lateral flow immunochromatographic assay operates on the principle of capillary action, where a liquid sample migrates along the test strip, encountering labeled antibodies specific to the target analyte. Upon binding, these antibodies form a visible line or band, indicating a positive result. One of the most common applications of LFIA is in home pregnancy tests, which detect the hormone hCG. Additionally, LFIAs have been instrumental in the rapid screening for infectious diseases, including COVID-19, due to their ease of use and quick turnaround time. The development of lateral flow immunochromatographic assays continues to advance, with current research focusing on improving sensitivity, multiplexing capabilities, and quantitative analysis, further enhancing their role in point-of-care testing and broadening their application in diagnostics.
Tags: Lateral-Flow Immunochromatographic Assay
Flashcard set info:
Author: geminismith
Main topic: biotech
Topic: creative biolabs
Published: 22.02.2025
Card tags:
All cards (11)
5T4 ADC (1)
B. pertussis IgG Ab (1)
biotech (1)
COPD therapy (1)
Lateral-Flow Immunochromatographic Assay (1)
PDX-Derived Organoid (PDXO) Tumor Model (1)
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