Who is responsible for contact for the flatscreens in IKBLC?
Our Program Assistant, Clare Yow! More info about submission criteria is available on the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre's Digital Signage Guidelines page.
If people have questions about this, please give them Clare's card and also direct them to the Digital Signage Guidelines page for submission guidelines.
If people have questions about this, please give them Clare's card and also direct them to the Digital Signage Guidelines page for submission guidelines.
Tags: IKBLC Services
Do you offer tours of the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre?
Tour requests for large groups can be directed to Julie Mitchell (Julie.Mitchell@ubc.ca). There are a stack of Julie's cards in the desk drawer.
Tags: IKBLC Services
A patron asks, “Can I book something for the Dodson or Lillooet room?”
Booking inquiries regarding the Dodson/Lilllooet Room can be directed to our Online Bookings page.
While Clare is responsible for these bookings, please directly patrons to the online form since this is the best way for Clare to vet the high volume of booking requests she receives.
While Clare is responsible for these bookings, please directly patrons to the online form since this is the best way for Clare to vet the high volume of booking requests she receives.
Tags: IKBLC Services
Why are there no math tutors in the math tutoring area?
Math Tutors are generally available from 8am-4pm daily. For more detailed information, check the Math Tutoring Schedule. If there are no tutors available, and according to the schedule there should be, let the Program Assistant or Julie know and they will follow up with the Math Tutoring Coordinator.
Tags: IKBLC services
Why won't the lights turn on in the Dodson Room or the Lillooet Room?
When the lights are first turned on, it takes several seconds for the bulbs to heat up and start emitting light. It then takes several more seconds for them to reach full brightness. As long as the little lights by the light switches have turned from green to red, you should be good. If all the lights come on except for one, it is likely burnt out. Please let the Program Assistant know.
Finally, if someone has hit the lights on and off a few times trying to figure this out, give the system a few minutes to 'reset' then try again.
Finally, if someone has hit the lights on and off a few times trying to figure this out, give the system a few minutes to 'reset' then try again.
Tags: IKBLC services
A patron asks, “Can I access Library journals, indexes and databases from my laptop as an alumni?”
Unfortunately, not. Due to the way license agreements for these are structured, alumni may only access library indexes and databases (including e-journals) from library workstations. They are however able to search the catalogue for books.
We recently negotiated for Alumni to have access to Refworks, which is one exception. For more information on Alumni access, go to UBC Library homepage > Services for you > Alumni
We recently negotiated for Alumni to have access to Refworks, which is one exception. For more information on Alumni access, go to UBC Library homepage > Services for you > Alumni
Tags: IKBLC services
A patron asks, “Will you help me with my paper?" (ie: help me find articles, help me proofread, etc.)
On occasion, student may ask for your help at the desk proofreading a paper or finding articles for research. It is essential in these situations to know who to refer the patron to:
Particularly with respect to research questions, please do refer these questions, even if you think you may be able to answer the question yourself. The Reference Librarians work closely with professors and know the inside scoop regarding student term papers and assignments.
- For any type of research, including finding books or articles, refer them to the Reference Desk
- For proofreading or grammar questions, refer them to the Writing Centre. While the Writing Centre does not provide proofreading assistance per se, they will give students feedback on their paper and help them become a better writer.
Particularly with respect to research questions, please do refer these questions, even if you think you may be able to answer the question yourself. The Reference Librarians work closely with professors and know the inside scoop regarding student term papers and assignments.
Tags: IKBLC services
A patron asks, "I'm a transfer student and I'd like to get acquainted with the library. Are there any orientations or workshops I can attend?"
While there isn't a library-specific orientation as part of first week, there are several resources available that would be of interest to new students.
New to UBC - A guide to UBC orientations and resources for new students.
UBC Library Instruction Calendar - A calendar of workshops offered by the library, some of which may be interesting to new students.
Also, most 100 level courses (particularly English courses) will include an introduction to how to use the library systems as part of their curriculum.
New to UBC - A guide to UBC orientations and resources for new students.
UBC Library Instruction Calendar - A calendar of workshops offered by the library, some of which may be interesting to new students.
Also, most 100 level courses (particularly English courses) will include an introduction to how to use the library systems as part of their curriculum.
Tags: IKBLC Services
In order to receive guest internet access, the people must be....
1. Over 19 years old (because they have to sign a contract)
2. Have government issued ID
3. Must not be a UBC student
Unfortunately individuals who do not meet either of these requirements will not be able to receive guest access.
You can get guest access at all of the circulation desks in the various libraries at UBC.
2. Have government issued ID
3. Must not be a UBC student
Unfortunately individuals who do not meet either of these requirements will not be able to receive guest access.
You can get guest access at all of the circulation desks in the various libraries at UBC.
Tags: IKBLC Services

Autor: peer.assistants
Oberthema: Information Management
Veröffentlicht: 22.06.2011
Schlagwörter Karten:
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circulation desk (5)
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IKBLC services (4)
IKBLC Services (5)
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Reference desk (1)
shift procedures (11)