Stop Forgetting: 7 Techniques by EssayCompany to Improve Memory
YOU have an excellent memory! Hard to believe? Think for a moment of the many things you easily remember: scenes from your childhood, the names of friends and relatives-even fictional characters on TV-your favorite songs, the alphabet, numbers, thousands of words. You've already demonstrated that you can remember millions of things! What ways can you improve your memory? Check out these seven suggestions by essay company and retain valuable information:
"But why do I have such a hard time remembering names, to say nothing of phone numbers and appointments?" These concerns are pretty common in public meetings, social gatherings, and your private life. However, your memory is much better than you imagine, and, what's more, you can improve it.
The book Immediate Recall. by Jeff Budworth recommends spending "minutes, not seconds" recording important information in your memory. Tell yourself that you are determined to remember. Having given the matter special attention, you are unlikely to forget.
"But why do I have such a hard time remembering names, to say nothing of phone numbers and appointments?" These concerns are pretty common in public meetings, social gatherings, and your private life. However, your memory is much better than you imagine, and, what's more, you can improve it.
The book Immediate Recall. by Jeff Budworth recommends spending "minutes, not seconds" recording important information in your memory. Tell yourself that you are determined to remember. Having given the matter special attention, you are unlikely to forget.
1. Be clear about the information:
A computer cannot access information well if it has not been entered correctly.
Something very similar happens with our memories. Let's take the memorization of names as an example. In his book Stop Forgetting, Dr. Bruno Furst says the following: "If we do not hear the name clearly and accurately, we cannot even talk about remembering or forgetting. We can neither remember nor forget something we never knew. Therefore, the first step we must take is to grasp the name in such a way that there is no doubt as to its pronunciation or spelling." If someone does not pronounce your name when presented to you, do not hesitate to ask them to repeat it. If necessary, ask them how to spell it.
Something very similar happens with our memories. Let's take the memorization of names as an example. In his book Stop Forgetting, Dr. Bruno Furst says the following: "If we do not hear the name clearly and accurately, we cannot even talk about remembering or forgetting. We can neither remember nor forget something we never knew. Therefore, the first step we must take is to grasp the name in such a way that there is no doubt as to its pronunciation or spelling." If someone does not pronounce your name when presented to you, do not hesitate to ask them to repeat it. If necessary, ask them how to spell it.
2. Visualize things:
Try to imagine yourself giving the speech. Imagine yourself developing it. The more details you add to this mental picture, the more quickly you will remember it.
Visualizing information can also help you associate seemingly unrelated things. Suppose, for example. You have to remember to buy milk and toothpaste. You might imagine a cow brushing its teeth. You wouldn't easily forget that image, even if you tried.
Visualizing information can also help you associate seemingly unrelated things. Suppose, for example. You have to remember to buy milk and toothpaste. You might imagine a cow brushing its teeth. You wouldn't easily forget that image, even if you tried.
3. Say it out loud
When you want to remember something, say it out loud; The book How to Improve Your Memory by James D. Weinland, Ph.D., says, "This problem can be solved by putting our actions into words at the precise moment we perform them. You may feel ridiculous doing this, but it can help you remember.
4. Cultivate an interest in the subject
You may not naturally be drawn to a specific topic, but you will find it easier to learn if you think about why you need to talk about the information and the consequences of not remembering it. Also, the more you know about any subject, the more interesting it will seem to you.
5. Count the things you have to remember
If you keep track of the exact number of points you have to talk about, you will be less likely to forget any.
If you have several points arranged in your outline, try to sort them into categories. Organizing your ideas in this way will help you remember them better.
If you have several points arranged in your outline, try to sort them into categories. Organizing your ideas in this way will help you remember them better.
6. Use the information and review it
You will never forget things: your name, the alphabet, or how to use a fork or pencil. Why? Because you have used this knowledge many times. Frequent use strengthens your memory and helps you remember. So mentally review from time to time the things you want to remember. When you are introduced to someone, make a point of using their name several times. Or, when you learn some new information, try to present it in your mental sketch and your daily conversations.
Use these public speaking techniques to improve your memory. You have nothing to lose and much to gain. The benefits can be unforgettable.
Use these public speaking techniques to improve your memory. You have nothing to lose and much to gain. The benefits can be unforgettable.

Autor: CoboCards-User
Oberthema: Psychology
Thema: Psychology
Veröffentlicht: 08.02.2022
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