Definition of a team
A team can be defined as a social system of three or more people, which is embedded in an organization (context), whose members have a common identity, and who collaborate on a common task (teamwork).
für Gemünden gilt team=group
für Gemünden gilt team=group
Tags: deck 2, teams
Aspects of team basics #5: mutual and individual accountability
- every team member can ask for individual and team contributions
- every team member has the right to compare the progress of teamwork with the mission and the performance goals
- strong feeling inside the team "Together Everybody Achieves More"
Tags: deck 2, teams
4 aspects of team basics #4: common approach
- teamwork > division of tasks> who is responsible for what?
- administration & logistics > time planning of meetings> organization of meetings etc.
- decision-making process > rules for the decision-making process to ensure maximum commitment
- measurement of progress > progress vs. mission> correction methods
Tags: deck 2, teams
5 aspects of team basics #2: complementary team members' skills
- technical/functional skills
- problem solving and decision making capabilities
- interpersonal skills
- effective communication
- goal-oriented conflict resolution
Tags: deck 2, teams
teamwork model mcGrath
Viel zu einfach sagt Gemünden!
- individual-level factors - skills, attitudes, personalities
- group-level factors - structure, level of cohesiveness, size
- environment-level factors - task characteristics, reward structure, level of stress
- Performance outcome - quality, speed to solution, number of errors
- other outcomes - satisfaction, cohesiveness, attitude change--
Tags: deck 2, teams
3 objectives of Hackmans's Teamwork model
- explain why some teams perform better
- assess the strenghts and weaknesses of specific groups
- determine what needs to be done to help a group
>> a diagonstic tool
Tags: deck 2, teams
Hackman's three criteria to assess team effectiveness
1. productive output
should meet or exceed the performance standards of the "clients"
2. capability to work together should be enhanced through the social processes used
3. group experience should satisfy the personal needs of team members
should meet or exceed the performance standards of the "clients"
2. capability to work together should be enhanced through the social processes used
3. group experience should satisfy the personal needs of team members
Tags: deck 2, teams
Hoegl's TWQ Model (3 columns, 5 boxes)
Team design
Teamwork Quality
- Team Composition
- Team Leadership
Teamwork Quality
- Team Performance
- Personal Success
Tags: deck 2, hoegl, teams
Six dimensions of Teamwork Quality
(1) Communication
(2) Coordination
(3) Balance of Member Contributions
(4) Mutual Support
(5) Effort
(6) Cohesion
(2) Coordination
(3) Balance of Member Contributions
(4) Mutual Support
(5) Effort
(6) Cohesion
Tags: deck 2, hoegl, teams
Hoegl: How can the communication quality in innovation teams be measured? (TWQ #1: communication)
Team members share important information on time.
The information received from other team members is precise.
The information received from other team members is useful.
The information received from other team members is precise.
The information received from other team members is useful.
Tags: deck 2, teams
Hoegl: How can the coordination quality in innovation teams be measured? (TWQ #2 Coordination)
The subtasks within the project are closely harmonized.
Goals for subtasks are clear and fully comprehended.
Goals for subtasks are accepted by all team members.
Goals for subtasks are clear and fully comprehended.
Goals for subtasks are accepted by all team members.
Tags: deck 2, hoegl, teams
Hoegl: How can the balance of member contributions
in innovation teams be measured? (TWQ #3 – Balance of Member Contributions)
in innovation teams be measured? (TWQ #3 – Balance of Member Contributions)
Recognition of specific potentials of individual team members.
Team members contribute to the achievement of the team’s goals
in accordance with their specific potential.
Imbalance of member contributions causes conflicts in the team.
Team members contribute to the achievement of the team’s goals
in accordance with their specific potential.
Imbalance of member contributions causes conflicts in the team.
Tags: deck 2, hoegl, teams, twq
Hoegl: How can mutual support in innovation teams be measured? (TWQ #4: Mutual support)
Team members help and support each other as the best they could.
Conflicts are easily and quickly resolved. Discussions and
controversies are conducted constructively.
Suggestions and contributions are respected by all team members. Suggestions are discussed and further developed.
The team is able to reach consensus regarding important issues.
Conflicts are easily and quickly resolved. Discussions and
controversies are conducted constructively.
Suggestions and contributions are respected by all team members. Suggestions are discussed and further developed.
The team is able to reach consensus regarding important issues.
Tags: deck 2, hoegl, teams, twq
Why is TWQ specially in the starting phase important?
Zu Projektbeginn werden die wichtigen Entscheidungen getroffen, die den höchsten Einfluss auf die späteren Kosten haben.
Tags: deck 2, hoegl, teams, twq
Theoretical Framework for Within-Team and Between-Team Collaboration
- What constitutes collaboration within teams and between teams and how can it be measured?
- Is the quality of collaboration related to the performance of individual teams within multi-team projects?
- What is a more important predictor for the success of teams? Within-team collaboration or between-team collaboration?
Tags: between teams, deck 2, teams, twq
Autor: Florian
Oberthema: BWL
Thema: Human Side of Innovation
Schule / Uni: TU Berlin
Ort: Berlin
Veröffentlicht: 13.07.2013
Tags: Innovation
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