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All main topics / Business Economics / Behavior, Managment and Organisation

BMO (565 Cards)

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What are the five stages of group development?

A) generation, implementation, construction, production, termination
B) introduction, development, production, deterioration, adjournment
C) initiation, evolution, maturation, degeneration, termination
D) forming, storming, norming, performing, adjourning
E) acting, reacting, enacting, impacting, acting
D) forming, storming, norming, performing, adjourning
Tags: The five-stage model
Source: p. 320
Which stage in group development is most characterized by uncertainty?

A) introduction
B) storming
C) forming
D) evolution
E) norming
C) forming
Tags: The five-stage model
Source: p. 320
In the second stage of group development xxxxxxx.

A) close relationships are developed
B) the group demonstrates cohesiveness
C) intragroup conflict often occurs
D) the job task is performed
E) groups disband
C) intragroup conflict often occurs
Tags: The five-stage model
Source: p. 320
After which stage of a group’s development is there a relatively clear hierarchy of leadership within the group?

A) norming
B) storming
C) development
D) evolution
E) forming
B) storming
Tags: The five-stage model
Source: p. 320
Which is the stage of group development characterized by the development of close relationships and cohesiveness?

A) bonding
B) norming
C) performing
D) initiating
E) forming
B) norming
Tags: The five-stage model
Source: p. 320
After which stage of a group’s development has the group formed a common set of expectations of member behaviors?

A) norming
B) storming
C) maturation
D) development
E) forming
A) norming
Tags: The five-stage model
Source: p. 320
When the group energy is focused on the task at hand, the group has moved to the xxxxxx stage.

A) storming
B) norming
C) production
D) maturation
E) performing
E) performing
Tags: The five-stage model
Source: p. 320
Flashcard set info:
Author: Elisa
Main topic: Business Economics
Topic: Behavior, Managment and Organisation
School / Univ.: Hanze Hogeschool
City: Groningen
Published: 14.02.2010
Tags: Exam Year 1
Card tags:
All cards (565)
1. Absatz (1)
A review of the managers job (1)
Ability (1)
Anthropology (2)
Changing U.S. demographies (4)
Common Bias and Errors in Decision Making- Escalation of Commitement (1)
Common bias and errors n decision making- confirmation bias (1)
Complementing intuition with systematic study (2)
Coping with temporariness (2)
Creating a positive work envirnoment (1)
Decision Making in organizations- Intuition (1)
Defining and classifying groups (4)
Defining Motivation (3)
Definition of model (1)
Definition of OB (4)
Effective versus successful managerial activities (2)
Embracing diversity (1)
Equity theory (3)
Evaluating Group Effectiveness (1)
Exhibit (2)
Exhibit 11-1 (1)
Exhibit 11-9 (1)
Exhibit 9-3 (1)
Exhibit Allocation of activities by time (3)
Exhibit Dimensions of intellectual abilities (1)
Exhibit Minzbergs managerial roles (1)
Exhibit Minzbergs mangerial roles (1)
Exhibit Toward an OB discipline (3)
Exhibit Why do people join groups (1)
Expectancy theory (3)
first sentence (1)
Forming (1)
GMA (1)
Group properties 2 & 3 (1)
Group property 1 (1)
Group property 4 (3)
Hawthorne studies (1)
Helping employees balance work-life conflicts (1)
Hier. o. N. Theory- 3. Social (1)
Hierachy o. Needs Th. - 5. Self actualization (1)
Hierachy of Needs Th. (4)
Hierachy of Needs Theory (2)
Implications (1)
Improving customer service (3)
Improving ethical behavior (1)
Improving quality and productivity (2)
Individual-level variables (1)
Intellectual abilities (1)
Interpersonal roles (1)
letzter Absatz (1)
letzter Satz (1)
Management functions (6)
Management roles (1)
Management skills (5)
Managing people during the war of terror (2)
Managing workforce diversity (2)
Mangement functions (1)
McCellands theory of needs (1)
OCB (1)
Productivity (6)
Psychology (1)
Reinforcement theory (1)
Role expectations (1)
Shortcuts in judging others- contrast effect (2)
Shortcuts in Judging others- stereotyping (1)
Size (1)
Social-Psychology (2)
Sociology (4)
Status and group interaction (1)
Status and norms (1)
Summary and Implications for managers- Perception (1)
Systematic study (1)
The dependent variables (2)
The five-stage model (7)
The importance of interpersonal skills (1)
Theories of X and Y (1)
Theory X and Y (1)
There are few absolutes in OB (3)
Three compnent Model of creativity (1)
Three Component Model of Creativity (1)
Three component Model of Creativity- Expertise (1)
Three ethical Decision criteria (1)
Three etical decision criteria (1)
Turnover (1)
Two factor theory (1)
under Exhibit (3)
Working in networked organizations (2)
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