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Alle Oberthemen / BWL / Human Side of Innovation

HSI - Core (53 Karten)

Sag Danke
Definition of climate
“Perceptions of the events, practices, and procedures and
the kinds of behavior that are rewarded, supported, and expected in a setting”

Climate refers to shared perceptions of the work environment (how
organizational members experience organizations and attach common meanings to their perceptions of the environment)
Tags: climate, deck 4, innovation
What is the additional climate factor "Bureaucratic climate" (2 factors)?
2 bureaucratic context factors:

Centralization: how power is distributed in a hierarchy and whether employees are encouraged to participate in decision making (high if decisions must be referred up the chain of command; low if employees have opportunities to act according to their inclinations);    
e.g., team leader ‘uses my work group‘s suggestions to make decisions that affect us‘

Formalization: extent to which rules are clearly specified and procedures standardized (if high, employee freedom and ability to engage in discretionary behavior is reduced);         
e.g., ‘our work involves a great deal of paperwork and administration‘
Tags: additional, climate
What is the additional climate factor "implementation climate"?
(3 Factors + 2 effects) (Klausur!)
>>technology or practice “being used for the first time by members of an organization, whether or not other organizations have used it previously“ 
>> Focus on innovations requiring the active and coordinated use of multiple members to benefit the organization

>> transition period during which targeted users ideally become skillful, consistent and committed in their innovation use
>> gateway between adoption decision and routine innovation use

Targeted users
organizational members who are expected either to use the innovation directly or to support the innovation‘s use

Implementation effectiveness
consistency and quality of targeted users‘ use of a specific innovation

Innovation effectiveness
the benefits and organization receives as a result of the
implementation of a given innovation

+ Innovation-values fit
extent to which targeted users perceive that innovation use will foster (or inhibit) fulfillment of their values (i.e., beliefs about desirable models of conduct or end-states)
Tags: climate, deck 4, implementation
Autor: Florian
Oberthema: BWL
Thema: Human Side of Innovation
Schule / Uni: TU Berlin
Ort: Berlin
Veröffentlicht: 13.07.2013
Tags: Innovation
Schlagwörter Karten:
Alle Karten (53)
additional (1)
authentic (1)
barriers of will (1)
between teams (1)
brainstorming (3)
btc (2)
champion (3)
climate (3)
creativity (9)
deck 1 (12)
deck 2 (25)
deck 4 (8)
deck 5 (2)
deck5 (1)
Definition (1)
diversity (3)
gatekeeper (1)
hoegl (2)
implementation (1)
individual facilitators (1)
innovation (2)
inter-team (1)
kearney (1)
leadership (3)
motivation (1)
opponent (1)
opponents (1)
process (1)
promotor (2)
radical innovation (1)
relationship (3)
results (2)
roles (14)
tci (2)
team (2)
teams (5)
technological gatekeeper (1)
troika (1)
twq (3)
witte (4)
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