Does the Circulation Desk make change for copy cards or parking?
Yes. There is also a change machine located across from the circulation desk.
Note that if a patron would like a copy card, but doesn't have cash, the circulation desk also has pre-loaded copy cards which can be purchased via debit or credit card.
Note that if a patron would like a copy card, but doesn't have cash, the circulation desk also has pre-loaded copy cards which can be purchased via debit or credit card.
Tags: circulation desk
Can I renew a book when none of the UBC libraries are open?
Yes. Assuming there have been no recalls on the loaned item and it is not a reserve item, you can renew it at Look for "Renew Books (login)" under "My Account" on the main page.
Tags: circulation desk
What do I do when the printer downstairs is out of paper or broken?
This printer is looked after by the Circulation Desk. When they are open, simply call them (2-8149) and let them know it needs maintenance. If the Circulation Desk is closed, please pop down and refill the paper.
If the problem cannot be solved quickly, put up an out-of-order sign, ask the patron to use the upstairs printer and email the Program Assistant so she can contact Copy Services.
Please note that the printer by Ike’s Café and in the CLC are on the same print server. This means that jobs sent from the computers downstairs can be printed in the CLC and vice versa.
This also means, however, if the print server is down in our area, it will also be out of order downstairs. In this situation, please direct the patrons to use the printers in the library bookstacks, located by the reference desk on levels 3 and 4.
If the problem cannot be solved quickly, put up an out-of-order sign, ask the patron to use the upstairs printer and email the Program Assistant so she can contact Copy Services.
Please note that the printer by Ike’s Café and in the CLC are on the same print server. This means that jobs sent from the computers downstairs can be printed in the CLC and vice versa.
This also means, however, if the print server is down in our area, it will also be out of order downstairs. In this situation, please direct the patrons to use the printers in the library bookstacks, located by the reference desk on levels 3 and 4.
Tags: circulation desk
Can I drop off a book I loaned from a different UBC library at IKBLC?
Yes, as long as the book is not a reserve or interlibrary loan item, you can return any book borrowed from a UBC Library branch to the IKBLC book return.
Tags: circulation desk

Flashcard set info:
Author: peer.assistants
Main topic: Information Management
Published: 22.06.2011
Card tags:
All cards (62)
circulation desk (5)
directional (12)
IKBLC services (4)
IKBLC Services (5)
IT services (14)
it services (1)
LSIT (2)
misc (7)
Reference desk (1)
shift procedures (11)