In a SWOT analysis, what does the S stand for and mean?
Strengths - Attributes of the organization that are helpful to achieving the objective
Tags: Research
In a SWOT analysis, what does the W stand for and mean?
Weaknesses - Attributes of the organization that are harmful to achieving the objective.
Tags: Research
In a SWOT analysis, what does the O stand for and mean?
Opportunities - External conditions that are helpful to achieving the objective
Tags: Research
In a SWOT analysis, what does the T stand for and mean?
Threats - External conditions that are harmful to achieving the objective
Tags: Research
What are the limitations of focus group interviews?
Cannot be used to statistically measure human behavior (qualitative research)
Individuals being interviewed are drawn at random form the universe but are too few to be statistically significant
Individuals being interviewed are drawn at random form the universe but are too few to be statistically significant
Tags: Research
In a population of 100,000 and above, how many need to be sampled to yield a confidence level of 95%?
Tags: Research
When writing threatening questions, what should be remembered when writing questions?
create a comfortable environment
ask long, open-ended questions
avoid technical terms
phrase the question in terms of "most people you know"
put it at the end of the interview
ask long, open-ended questions
avoid technical terms
phrase the question in terms of "most people you know"
put it at the end of the interview
Tags: Research
What is a census and when is it especially useful?
A 100% sample.
Identify everyone in your universe and everyone gets an opportunity to respond.
Especially useful with small well-defined populations. Universe is less than 300.
Identify everyone in your universe and everyone gets an opportunity to respond.
Especially useful with small well-defined populations. Universe is less than 300.
Tags: Research
What is a probability sample?
Scientific was of choosing a sample. The probability of being chosen is known or is equal.
A random sample is a good example.
A random sample is a good example.
Tags: Research
What is a nonprobability sample? What are the advantages and drawbacks?
A more informal selection of persons to be interviewed.
Advantages: sampling is easier and faster, can be considered to be representative of the total population
Drawback: Can't be projected to the universe
Advantages: sampling is easier and faster, can be considered to be representative of the total population
Drawback: Can't be projected to the universe
Tags: Research
"Drop by a store and ask questions of whomever is there," is an example of what kind of sample?
Convenience or accidental
Tags: Research
Give an example of a quota sample.
In an elementary school, find 10 third graders, 10 fourth graders and 10 fifth graders. Any 10 of each kind.
Tags: Research
Give an example of a dimensional sample.
Identify a specific number dimensions (married female technical workers). Any employee is acceptable if they meet those characteristics.
Tags: Research
Give an example of a snowball sample.
You may know only a few users of a certain type of computer but they know probably know others. Contact the first few and ask them for names of others. Continue until you find the sample you desire.
Tags: Research
Give an example of a purpose sample.
(Identify a sample that suits your purpose)
For the opinion of golfers, visit the 19th hole
For the opinion of golfers, visit the 19th hole
Tags: Research
What are the advantages of using a survey for research?
Easy for the person to participate
Respondents can remain anonymous
Put questions in a sequence that will give responses for threatening topics
Answers can be quantified and analyzed quickly
You can pre-mail a product and follow up with a survey
Can be used in a variety of ways: in-person,written, telephone
Respondents can remain anonymous
Put questions in a sequence that will give responses for threatening topics
Answers can be quantified and analyzed quickly
You can pre-mail a product and follow up with a survey
Can be used in a variety of ways: in-person,written, telephone
Tags: Research
What are the disadvantages of using a survey for research?
People may not answer all of the questions
Respondents may not be of the universe you intended to sample
Hard to statistically analyze open-ended questions
Easy for people to give habitual responses
People don't return them
Costs for mailing and return gifts can be expensive
People won't write a lot
People can and do lie
Answers can be too broad
You can't test knowledge with surveys
Respondents may not be of the universe you intended to sample
Hard to statistically analyze open-ended questions
Easy for people to give habitual responses
People don't return them
Costs for mailing and return gifts can be expensive
People won't write a lot
People can and do lie
Answers can be too broad
You can't test knowledge with surveys
Tags: Research
What are advantages of doing web or online-based surveys?
Greater convenience for the respondent
Immediate electronic tabulation of results
Low cost
Immediate electronic tabulation of results
Low cost
Tags: Research
What are the disadvantages of web or online-based surveys?
securing email addresses
low resonse rates due to spam filters
impersonal nature
ease of leaving the site with a mouse click
low resonse rates due to spam filters
impersonal nature
ease of leaving the site with a mouse click
Tags: Research
What is the best research method for complex situations that require extensive explanation or context - or, for subjects who are difficult to access?
Personal Interviewing
It is also the most expensive and rarely used.
It is also the most expensive and rarely used.
Tags: Research
What is the best research method for basic, well-defined opinions?
Telephone survey
Hold length to 5 to 10 minutes
Use professional callers if possible
It is possible to get nearly 100% response
Hold length to 5 to 10 minutes
Use professional callers if possible
It is possible to get nearly 100% response
Tags: Research
What is the best research method for well-defined concepts and specific limited answers?
Mail surveys
Rarely produce high response rates.
Mail to the right people
Use a cover letter
Send a postcard announcement before the survey to increase response rates
Do a follow-up mailing to increase response rates
Rarely produce high response rates.
Mail to the right people
Use a cover letter
Send a postcard announcement before the survey to increase response rates
Do a follow-up mailing to increase response rates
Tags: Research
How are key informants utilized during research?
Knowledgeable leaders and experts.
Generally takes the form of an open-ended discussion. Does not reflect the current views of followers. Often yields early warning signals on important issues.
Generally takes the form of an open-ended discussion. Does not reflect the current views of followers. Often yields early warning signals on important issues.
Tags: Research
How are focus groups utilized during research?
Involves about 8 - 12 people.
Led by a moderator.
Explore how people will react to proposals and to gather information useful for developing questionnaires to be used in more formal research methods.
Unanticipated reactions may be the best reasons for using these methods.
Results cannot be used to make inferences to a larger population.
Led by a moderator.
Explore how people will react to proposals and to gather information useful for developing questionnaires to be used in more formal research methods.
Unanticipated reactions may be the best reasons for using these methods.
Results cannot be used to make inferences to a larger population.
Tags: Research
Tags: Research
What is the systematic gathering of information to describe and understand a situation and to check out assumptions about publics and public relations consequences?
Tags: Research
Tags: Research
Advisory committees and boards (as applied to research)
Useful for long-running programs and issues.
Can serve as a continuous feedback mechanism.
Their advise must be given earnest consideration.
This is an exploratory technique used to supplement more formal methods.
Can serve as a continuous feedback mechanism.
Their advise must be given earnest consideration.
This is an exploratory technique used to supplement more formal methods.
Tags: Research
Ombudsman Officer
Someone who listens to the concerns of internal organizational publics. May also mediate disputes and review organizational policies.
Because the method relies on people who seek out the opportunity to make their feelings and complaints known - a self-selected sample - it is an exploratory, informal approach.
Because the method relies on people who seek out the opportunity to make their feelings and complaints known - a self-selected sample - it is an exploratory, informal approach.
Tags: Research
Call-in telephone lines
Used to obtain instant feedback and monitor concerns and interests of various publics.
To be effective - it must be used with sincerity.
To be effective - it must be used with sincerity.
Tags: Research
Mail analysis
Periodic analysis of incoming mail.
Writers tend to be more critical than complimentary. Self-selected sample.
My serve as early warning signs. May indicate the need for more formal research.
Does not reflect a cross section of public opinion or even the views of a particular public.
Writers tend to be more critical than complimentary. Self-selected sample.
My serve as early warning signs. May indicate the need for more formal research.
Does not reflect a cross section of public opinion or even the views of a particular public.
Tags: Research
Field reports
District agents, field representatives, recruiters, etc. who live in and travel the territories served. Should be trained to listen and observe and be given an easy, regular means of reporting their observations.
May call for more thorough investigation.
May call for more thorough investigation.
Tags: Research
Formal methods of research
Designed to gather data from scientifically representative samples.
Help answer questions about situations that simply cannot be answered adequately using informal approaches.
Useful only if the research question and objectives are determined before the research design is selected.
Makes it possible to make accurate statements about publics based on evidence drawn from statistically representative samples.
Help answer questions about situations that simply cannot be answered adequately using informal approaches.
Useful only if the research question and objectives are determined before the research design is selected.
Makes it possible to make accurate statements about publics based on evidence drawn from statistically representative samples.
Tags: Research
What is secondary analysis?
Reuses data gathered by someone else, often for other purposes
(Nielson, Gallup, major newspapers and tv stations, major universities, special interest publications, scholarly journals, online databases, etc.)
(Nielson, Gallup, major newspapers and tv stations, major universities, special interest publications, scholarly journals, online databases, etc.)
Tags: Research
What is content analysis?
Systematic procedures for objectively determining what is being reported in the media.
Press clippings and broadcast monitor reports.
They indicate only what is being printed or broadcast, not what is read or heard. Does not measure whether or not the audiences learned or believed the message.
Press clippings and broadcast monitor reports.
They indicate only what is being printed or broadcast, not what is read or heard. Does not measure whether or not the audiences learned or believed the message.
Tags: Research
Systematic queries of subsets of the population under study.
Administered by mail, in person, via telephone, and online.
The adequacy of the administration method depends on the sampling procedures used, what questions are asked, and how the questions are asked.
Administered by mail, in person, via telephone, and online.
The adequacy of the administration method depends on the sampling procedures used, what questions are asked, and how the questions are asked.
Tags: Research
What are the advantages and disadvantages of mailed questionnaires?
Advantages - considerable savings of time and money, convenience for respondents because they determine when to answer the questions, greater assurance of anonymity, standardized wording, no interviewer bias, access to respondents not readily reached in person by interviewers, opportunity for respondents to gather information needed to complete the questionnaire. Quantitative data that is viewed as accurate.
Disadvantages - No control over who responds, low response rates are typical, unless all respond there is no assurance of an unbiased sample, no control over the conditions under which the questionnaire is completed, no assurance that the intended respondent completed the questionnaire, lack of flexibility in how questions are asked if the respondents doesn't understand the questions, difficulties in getting and maintaining current mailing lists.
Disadvantages - No control over who responds, low response rates are typical, unless all respond there is no assurance of an unbiased sample, no control over the conditions under which the questionnaire is completed, no assurance that the intended respondent completed the questionnaire, lack of flexibility in how questions are asked if the respondents doesn't understand the questions, difficulties in getting and maintaining current mailing lists.
Tags: Research
What are the advantages and disadvantages of in-person, face-to-face administration of surveys?
Advantages - gives researchers higher response rates compared to mail surveys, greater flexibility in dealing with the respondents, more control over conditions in which the questions are asked, increased control over the order and completeness of questioning, opportunity to observe and record reactions not covered by the questionnaire.
Disadvantages - Relatively greater research costs, tendency of respondents to answer certain questions differently in the face of an interviewer, greater inconvenience imposed on respondents, less anonymity for respondents, the interviewers themselves can influence the information gathered
Disadvantages - Relatively greater research costs, tendency of respondents to answer certain questions differently in the face of an interviewer, greater inconvenience imposed on respondents, less anonymity for respondents, the interviewers themselves can influence the information gathered
Tags: Research
How is the problem statement written? What questions does it answer?
Present tense, describing the current situation
Describes the situation in specific, measurable terms
What is the concern?
Where is this a problem?
When is it a problem?
Who is involved or affected?
How are they involved or affected?
Why is this a concern to the organization and its publics?
Describes the situation in specific, measurable terms
What is the concern?
Where is this a problem?
When is it a problem?
Who is involved or affected?
How are they involved or affected?
Why is this a concern to the organization and its publics?
Tags: Research
What is a situation analysis and what is included?
Unabridged collection of all this is known about the situation, its history, forces operating on it, and those involved or affected internally and externally.
Contains all the background information needed to expand upon and to illustrate in detail the meaning of a problem statement.
Contains all the background information needed to expand upon and to illustrate in detail the meaning of a problem statement.
Tags: Research
When is a communication audit conducted and what is it?
Conducted during the Research/Situation Analysis phase.
A systematic documentation of an organization's communication efforts for the purpose of understanding how it communicates with its publics.
A systematic documentation of an organization's communication efforts for the purpose of understanding how it communicates with its publics.
Tags: Research
What is a stakeholder analysis and when is it conducted?
Conducted during the Research/Situation Analysis phase.
Process of identifying who is involved and who is affected in a situation. What they know, how they feel, what they do that is related to the problem.
Process of identifying who is involved and who is affected in a situation. What they know, how they feel, what they do that is related to the problem.
Tags: Research
Tags: Research
Flashcard set info:
Author: Erin
Main topic: Business
Topic: Public Relations
Published: 19.11.2011
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