Schwerpunktkolloquium: Basic Techniques, Geometry Processing, Global Illumination (116 Cards)
Name all OpenGL shader stages in the correct order. Which data is passed from one stage to the next?
Vertex Shader
Executed for every vertex
Input: Attribute values as defined by vertex data
Output: Attribute values
Tessellation Control Shader
Executed for every primitive (triangle, line, patch)
Input: Attribute values
Output: Attribute values, requested degree of tessellation
Tessellation Evaluation Shader
Executed for every vertex of the tessellated primitive
Input: Attribute values
Output: Attribute values, requested degree of tessellation
Geometry Shader
Executed for every primitive (triangle, line, point), possibly generated by the tessellation, possibly with information about adjacent primitives
Input: Array of attribute values
Output: Arbitrary number of primitives, each with possibly different attribute values
Fragment Shader
Executed for every fragment
Input: Possibly interpolated attribute values
Output: Fragment data which is written to frame buffers
Executed for every vertex
Input: Attribute values as defined by vertex data
Output: Attribute values
Tessellation Control Shader
Executed for every primitive (triangle, line, patch)
Input: Attribute values
Output: Attribute values, requested degree of tessellation
Tessellation Evaluation Shader
Executed for every vertex of the tessellated primitive
Input: Attribute values
Output: Attribute values, requested degree of tessellation
Geometry Shader
Executed for every primitive (triangle, line, point), possibly generated by the tessellation, possibly with information about adjacent primitives
Input: Array of attribute values
Output: Arbitrary number of primitives, each with possibly different attribute values
Fragment Shader
Executed for every fragment
Input: Possibly interpolated attribute values
Output: Fragment data which is written to frame buffers
How many neighbors does each Voronoi cell have in a planar Voronoi diagram, on average?
In 2D, the Voronoi diagram is dual to the Delaunay triangulation. For each triangle mesh, we know that

i.e., each vertex is adjacent to 6 other vertices, on average. Since vertices in the Delaunay triangulation are dual to Voronoi cells, each Voronoi cell has 6 neighboring cells, on average.

i.e., each vertex is adjacent to 6 other vertices, on average. Since vertices in the Delaunay triangulation are dual to Voronoi cells, each Voronoi cell has 6 neighboring cells, on average.
Explain Parametrization-Based Quad Meshing (Mixed Integer Quadrangulation)
Input: Mesh of triangles
. For some triangles, we have a confident estimate of the local min / max curvature directions (e.g. computed using the Shape Operator) given by an angle
relative to some reference edge
Smooth Cross Field
We propagate a smooth cross field over the entire surface. For each edge
we can define a smoothness energy

are the cross field directions given as an angle with the reference edges
, respectively.
denotes the angle between the two reference edges.
is an integer variable that allows
rotations of the cross fields.
For the entire mesh, we construct the system

We solve this system for the real variables
and the integer variables
. For those triangles where an input cross field direction is known, we fix the value:
For each triangle corner in the mesh, compute
coordinates such that for each triangle,

becomes small. Globally:

In order to obtain a disk topology for parametrization, the surface needs to be cut open. As an additional constraint, we thus introduce the requirement, that the parametrization should be consistent across boundary edges. That means that the transformation of parameters across an edge should be a grid automorphism.
Specifically, given a boundary edge
between two triangles
we constrain the
coordinates at the opposite sides of the vertices
to be equal up to grid automorphisms. That means:

The integer variable
is known from the smooth cross field. For
, we need to find integer solutions.
In order to ensure that the resulting mesh will be a quad mesh, we snap singularities to integer positions.
We can introduce additional hard alignment constraints in order to snap feature edges to integer iso-lines. If an edge
should be snapped to a
-integer-iso-line, we constrain the values of
for vertices of
to be integer.
Solving Mixed-Integer Problems
In general: NP-Hard. We approximate a solution by relaxing the problem: Find a real-valued solution. Snap integer variables to nearest possible value, repeat.

Smooth Cross Field
We propagate a smooth cross field over the entire surface. For each edge


For the entire mesh, we construct the system

We solve this system for the real variables

For each triangle corner in the mesh, compute

becomes small. Globally:

In order to obtain a disk topology for parametrization, the surface needs to be cut open. As an additional constraint, we thus introduce the requirement, that the parametrization should be consistent across boundary edges. That means that the transformation of parameters across an edge should be a grid automorphism.
Specifically, given a boundary edge

The integer variable

In order to ensure that the resulting mesh will be a quad mesh, we snap singularities to integer positions.
We can introduce additional hard alignment constraints in order to snap feature edges to integer iso-lines. If an edge

Solving Mixed-Integer Problems
In general: NP-Hard. We approximate a solution by relaxing the problem: Find a real-valued solution. Snap integer variables to nearest possible value, repeat.
How can we classify surface curvature in the continuous case? What is a discrete approximation for triangle meshes?
If we have a parametric surface
, we can take its taylor expansion

We can now reparametrize
such that
lies in the origin and the plane
is parallel to 

Since this matrix is symmetric and real-valued, we can do an eigendecomposition:

From the eigenvalues
, we can derive two characteristics for local curvature:
Mean Curvature:
Gaussian Curvature:
Which has the following interpretations:
: Cap / Peak / Valley (elliptic)
: Cylinder (parabolic)
: Saddle (hyperbolic)
The eigenvectors corresponding to
represent the respective curvature directions and are orthogonal.
Shape Operator
Approximates curvature for triangle meshes.
For each edge
: atomic shape operator

is the angle between the triangle normals
Around a vertex, we compute the atomic shape operators of all edges in the vicinity

measures the length of the portion of the edge
From this, we can compute:
The eigenvector to the largest eigenvalue of
points into the direction of minimum curvature.
The direction of maximum curvature is orthogonal to that and can be found by taking the cross product with the normal vector.
We cannot derive the exact curvature values
, but it is

We can now reparametrize

Since this matrix is symmetric and real-valued, we can do an eigendecomposition:

From the eigenvalues

Mean Curvature:

Gaussian Curvature:

Which has the following interpretations:

The eigenvectors corresponding to

Shape Operator
Approximates curvature for triangle meshes.
For each edge


Around a vertex, we compute the atomic shape operators of all edges in the vicinity


From this, we can compute:
The eigenvector to the largest eigenvalue of

The direction of maximum curvature is orthogonal to that and can be found by taking the cross product with the normal vector.
We cannot derive the exact curvature values

What is the goal of Subdivision techniques? Explain Subdivision using the Lane-Riesenfeld technique!
We interpret a sequence of points
as the control points of a B-Spline curve

Now, we want to describe the same curve with a higher number of control points.
We define two operators on the sequence



To determine the new vertex positions, we compute weighted positions based on even / odd rules.
Subdivision Operators
Linear (primal)

Quadratic Spline (dual)

Cubic Spline (primal)

TODO: Fix this explanation
Consider the B-Spline basis function
It is a piecewise linear function between

We can write
as an affine combination of the same function with parameter

We can do this for uniform B-Spline basis functions in general:


Now, we want to describe the same curve with a higher number of control points.
We define two operators on the sequence



To determine the new vertex positions, we compute weighted positions based on even / odd rules.
Subdivision Operators
Linear (primal)

Quadratic Spline (dual)

Cubic Spline (primal)

TODO: Fix this explanation
Consider the B-Spline basis function

It is a piecewise linear function between

We can write

We can do this for uniform B-Spline basis functions in general:


Prove why creating a Delaunay Triangulation using edge flipping terminates using Seidel's Parabolic Map!
Lift every vertex onto a parabola:

A circle in the plane maps to an ellipsoid on the parabola. This ellipsoid lies in a plane. Every point on the ground which lies inside the circle lifts to a point below the plane. Every point on the ground which lies outside the circle lifts to a point above the plane.
Suppose have a non-Delaunay pair of triangles
in the plane, where
lies in
's circumcircle.
The lifted points
lie in the same plane as the lifted ellipse of
's circumcircle. Since
lies inside the circle,
lies below the plane of
. Thus, the edge
is reflex.
By flipping the edge
, we replace the reflex edge
by the convex edge
Note that the four points
form a tetrahedron. Before the flip, our triangulation corresponded to the upward-facing faces of the tetrahedron. After the flip, it corresponded to the downward-facing faces of the tetrahedron.
Thus, with each flip, we monotonically decrease the height of our triangulation on the paraboloid. Tetrahedral edges which lie on the upward-facing side are never considered again. Thus, the algorithm terminates eventually.

A circle in the plane maps to an ellipsoid on the parabola. This ellipsoid lies in a plane. Every point on the ground which lies inside the circle lifts to a point below the plane. Every point on the ground which lies outside the circle lifts to a point above the plane.
Suppose have a non-Delaunay pair of triangles

The lifted points

By flipping the edge

Note that the four points

Thus, with each flip, we monotonically decrease the height of our triangulation on the paraboloid. Tetrahedral edges which lie on the upward-facing side are never considered again. Thus, the algorithm terminates eventually.
Explain the idea of Free-Form Modeling!
General idea: The user defines two regions on a mesh:
A support region which should be affected by the modeling.
A handle region inside the support region which the user can transform freely. The support region between the handle and the rest of the mesh should interpolate smoothly.
Solution: Fix all vertex positions except those of the support region.
For the support region vertices, solve

i.e. compute a smooth interpolating surface.
Problem: Smoothly interpolated surface loses detail.
Detail Preservation
Input mesh
Fix vertex positions in the handle and the non-support regions and compute smooth surface
Compute detail offset mesh
Let the user transform the handle region and compute a new smoothed mesh
Re-add the detail information:
For rotations: Store normal offsets instead of absolute position offsets.
A support region which should be affected by the modeling.
A handle region inside the support region which the user can transform freely. The support region between the handle and the rest of the mesh should interpolate smoothly.
Solution: Fix all vertex positions except those of the support region.
For the support region vertices, solve

i.e. compute a smooth interpolating surface.
Problem: Smoothly interpolated surface loses detail.
Detail Preservation
Input mesh

Fix vertex positions in the handle and the non-support regions and compute smooth surface

Compute detail offset mesh

Let the user transform the handle region and compute a new smoothed mesh

Re-add the detail information:

For rotations: Store normal offsets instead of absolute position offsets.
Explain the idea of Laplace Reconstruction / Laplace Editing!
The global shape of a mesh is encoded in its positions
The local shape of a mesh is encoded in its Laplace vectors
Given all Laplace vectors
of a mesh, we can reconstruct a global shape
from the local shape:

We need to fix one intial vertex position
and solve for the remaining variables
We can also use this as an editing metaphor by letting the user prescribe desired positions
for certain vertices
. Incorporating this into the minimization formula gives

Additionally, we need to allow rotations of the detail vectors:

The local shape of a mesh is encoded in its Laplace vectors

Given all Laplace vectors

We need to fix one intial vertex position

We can also use this as an editing metaphor by letting the user prescribe desired positions

Additionally, we need to allow rotations of the detail vectors:

Explain the GIST descriptor!
Describes the spatial color distribution in an image. Robust to small camera movements.
Store the averaged intensity values. Per color channel:
values per image.
- Compute
blurred versions of the input image, e.g. by convolutions with Gaussian kernels of increasing size.
- For each blurred image, compute
convolutions with gradient filters of different directions.
- Partition each gradient image into
sectors and compute an average intensity value for each sector.
Store the averaged intensity values. Per color channel:

How are Light Fields parametrized? How can we generate such a parametrization from a set of input images?
Two-Plane Parametrization
Assuming the scene is contained between two parallel planes, the camera plane and the object plane, we can parametrize each ray by a point
on the camera plane and a point
on the object plane. The radiance along that ray is given by

Light Field Generation
1. Re-projection / Rectification of input images
2. Re-binning to produce uniform sampling on camera and object plane
Each input image was taken at a camera position
with a projection matrix
projecting a point
to a point
on the camera plane.
is a transformation from 3D homogenous coordinates to 2D homogenous coordinates. Thus,

We want to project
from the same camera position
onto a different projection plane given by another projection matrix
which has the same layout as 
Since the
coordinate of
is 1, we can write

We now multiply the first equation by
on both sides:

Thus, we can transform projected points
from the input image into projected points of the output image
by applying the

When rectifying several images from different viewpoints, we obtain an uneven sampling on the camera / object plane. We get a uniform sampling by discretizing the light field and applying the Pull-Push algorithm to provide a color value for every pixel.
Pull-Push algorithm
Explained in 2D here. For Light Fields, we need to do this in 4D. Given: 2D grid of cells and unevenly distributed color samples
which are assigned to cells
For each cell, store a color value
and a weight
For each cell, compute an average color and an initial weight

Average colors and sum weights onto higher levels

For each cell on the base level, walk up the hierarchy until a cell with weight > 0 is found. Use the color of that cell.
Assuming the scene is contained between two parallel planes, the camera plane and the object plane, we can parametrize each ray by a point

Light Field Generation
1. Re-projection / Rectification of input images
2. Re-binning to produce uniform sampling on camera and object plane
Each input image was taken at a camera position

We want to project

Since the

We now multiply the first equation by

Thus, we can transform projected points

When rectifying several images from different viewpoints, we obtain an uneven sampling on the camera / object plane. We get a uniform sampling by discretizing the light field and applying the Pull-Push algorithm to provide a color value for every pixel.
Pull-Push algorithm
Explained in 2D here. For Light Fields, we need to do this in 4D. Given: 2D grid of cells and unevenly distributed color samples

For each cell, store a color value

For each cell, compute an average color and an initial weight

Average colors and sum weights onto higher levels

For each cell on the base level, walk up the hierarchy until a cell with weight > 0 is found. Use the color of that cell.
How are Light Fields rendered? How can we do this on the GPU?
First, consider bi-linear interpolation. In order to determine the color at a position
lying between four grid samples. Each grid sample at a position
has an influence of

Given: Light Field
be the coordinates of the four pixels around
on the camera plane and
the coordinates of the four pixels around
on the object plane.
For each
, we compute an interpolated color value
from the four neighboring samples
on the object plane based on the position
Then, we compute a interpolated color value from the
, based on the position
Since we do a linear interpolation twice, this is called quad-linear interpolation.
GPU Implementation
coordinates for every pixel
Draw two quads: One for the object plane, one for the camera plane. As a texture, use a smooth color gradient from
lower left to
upper right. The rasterized colors are the
coordinates for every pixel.
Bi-Linear Interpolation on the Object Plane
We get this for free through texture interpolation: For each camera plane pixel, render one quad. As texture coordinates for the quad, use the respective
coordinates at that position.
Quad-Linear Interpolation
Instead of rendering one quad per camera plane pixel, render four quads surrounding the pixel with alpha blending and fade out the contribution towards the outer edges.


Given: Light Field


For each

Then, we compute a interpolated color value from the

Since we do a linear interpolation twice, this is called quad-linear interpolation.
GPU Implementation

Draw two quads: One for the object plane, one for the camera plane. As a texture, use a smooth color gradient from

Bi-Linear Interpolation on the Object Plane
We get this for free through texture interpolation: For each camera plane pixel, render one quad. As texture coordinates for the quad, use the respective

Quad-Linear Interpolation
Instead of rendering one quad per camera plane pixel, render four quads surrounding the pixel with alpha blending and fade out the contribution towards the outer edges.
What is a Lumigraph? How must we update our object plane coordinates for Lumigraph rendering?
Light Field + depth information. For a ray
, we can compute a depth value
telling at which depth between the camera and object plane the ray intersects the geometry.
This allows us to do more accurate interpolation by offsetting sample coordinates on the object plane.
Coordinate Offset
Let's consider the 2D case where a ray is only parametrized by
For each grid point
, we would compute a interpolated color for
. However, if the ray through
intersects a surface at a distance of
to the camera plane, we could find a better ray from
to another point
which intersects the geometry at the same point.
This is easily found by comparing similar triangles:

Light Field + depth information. For a ray

This allows us to do more accurate interpolation by offsetting sample coordinates on the object plane.
Coordinate Offset
Let's consider the 2D case where a ray is only parametrized by

For each grid point

This is easily found by comparing similar triangles:

What is an Unstructured Lumigraph? How does Unstructured Lumigraph rendering work? How can we do this in hardware?
Input Data
Unstructured set of photos (with calibration information and camera positions)
Proxy Geometry
Render interpolated views of the scene
For each pixel of the output image, compute a blending of the input images. First, compute view ray by intersecting with proxy geometry, then find k-best input images.
For each input image
, compute the angle difference
at the intersection point.
We denote by
the angle difference of the k-best camera. Now, we can compute the color contribution of each image as

and normalizing

To improve consistency, we can emphasize weights where the angle is very small, e.g.:

Hardware Implementation
Tessellate screen with a triangle grid. Insert into this grid:
Compute blending weights for triangle vertices. Render each triangle several times (at least
, at most
times) with the appropriate textures and additive blending.
Unstructured set of photos (with calibration information and camera positions)
Proxy Geometry
Render interpolated views of the scene
- in real time
- with no pre-processing or re-sampling of the input images
- with smooth interpolation as the camera moves through the scene
- consistent (reproduce source image if desired viewpoint matches)
For each pixel of the output image, compute a blending of the input images. First, compute view ray by intersecting with proxy geometry, then find k-best input images.
For each input image

We denote by

and normalizing

To improve consistency, we can emphasize weights where the angle is very small, e.g.:

Hardware Implementation
Tessellate screen with a triangle grid. Insert into this grid:
- Edges of the proxy geometry (here are discontinuities)
- Epipolar points of the cameras (we want the image to be consistent there)
Compute blending weights for triangle vertices. Render each triangle several times (at least

What are Layered Depth Images? How to render them with correct occlusion?
Input: Set of images with colors and depth information.
Layered Depth Image: All of these input images combined into one image (from a new viewpoint), where along each viewing ray there may be several pixels with different depths and colors.
We can render an LDI by splatting all points. Points are transformed by the camera matrix:

can be decomposed into 4 row vectors:

If we know a transformed point
, new points in the vicinity can be computed incrementally:

Correct occlusion can be ensured by projecting the camera position into the LDI. This point splits the LDI into 4 quadrants which are rendered row-wise outside-inwards towards the epipolar point.
Layered Depth Image: All of these input images combined into one image (from a new viewpoint), where along each viewing ray there may be several pixels with different depths and colors.
We can render an LDI by splatting all points. Points are transformed by the camera matrix:

If we know a transformed point

Correct occlusion can be ensured by projecting the camera position into the LDI. This point splits the LDI into 4 quadrants which are rendered row-wise outside-inwards towards the epipolar point.
What are Image-Based Visual Hulls?
Input: Set of images where on each image, there is an identifiable silhouette of the shown object. Each camera spans a generalized cone through the silhouette. The intersection of all these cones approximates the shape of the object.
Goal: For a new viewpoint, find out where the view ray intersects the approximated shape of the object.
In each source image, the projection of the view ray for one pixel in the target image is a line. We want to find the intersection points of this line with the silhouette. Thus, we discretize the silhouette into line segments and test for intersections:
complexity per source image.
Note that if the camera position is fixed, the projected view rays in the source images are a pencil of lines through the camera epipolar point. Every time the camera position changes, perform a binning of the polygon edges into sectors. This reduces the intersection complexity from
Goal: For a new viewpoint, find out where the view ray intersects the approximated shape of the object.
In each source image, the projection of the view ray for one pixel in the target image is a line. We want to find the intersection points of this line with the silhouette. Thus, we discretize the silhouette into line segments and test for intersections:

Note that if the camera position is fixed, the projected view rays in the source images are a pencil of lines through the camera epipolar point. Every time the camera position changes, perform a binning of the polygon edges into sectors. This reduces the intersection complexity from

What is Image Retargeting? How can we do it?
Image Retargeting
Change of image dimensions without stretching / cropping in regions where there is interesting content.
We first need a salience measure that tells us which areas of an image are interesting or important and should be preserved. Generally involves some kind of gradient filter / Laplace filter / sobel filter, or similar.
Seam Carving
Assuming we want to reduce the width of the image.
Find continuous, monotonic path from top to bottom through the image (seam) which has minimal total salience. Remove this seam.
Repeat until target width reached.
We denote by
the lowest cost of a seam starting at pixel
and running to the bottom of the image (
Of course, for the bottom line pixels, this is just the local salience value:

For all other pixels, the minimum cost is computed as

A solution to this can be computed using Dynamic Programming.
An alternative solution approach is to formulate the seam search as a min-cost graph cut problem.
Change of image dimensions without stretching / cropping in regions where there is interesting content.
We first need a salience measure that tells us which areas of an image are interesting or important and should be preserved. Generally involves some kind of gradient filter / Laplace filter / sobel filter, or similar.
Seam Carving
Assuming we want to reduce the width of the image.
Find continuous, monotonic path from top to bottom through the image (seam) which has minimal total salience. Remove this seam.
Repeat until target width reached.
We denote by

Of course, for the bottom line pixels, this is just the local salience value:

For all other pixels, the minimum cost is computed as

A solution to this can be computed using Dynamic Programming.
An alternative solution approach is to formulate the seam search as a min-cost graph cut problem.
Explain Image Completion!
Input image with some area (the hole) which should be filled with data from the rest of the image.
Repeatedly shrink the hole by:
Selecting an area which overlaps both the hole and a part
of the image around it.
Finding a region (fragment) in the image which is similar to
Copying over the pixels from the fragment into the hole.
We search for an optimal pixel offset
such that

The first term is constant w.r.t.
The third term can be computed in
with some precomputations.
What remains is the middle term which corresponds to a convolution. We can compute this by transforming both the input image as well as the region
into the frequency domain and then doing the multiplication there. We then transform back to the pixel domain and find the maximum intensity pixel.
After we have found the best source fragment, we compute an ideal seam for the fragment we copy over. This can be computed by a min-flow graph cut.
Color Correction
Additionally, we adjust the color of the copied-over pixels such that they match the hole boundary. We do this by prescribing that the color corrected pixels
should have the same color gradients as the source pixels 

while on the boundary, there should be no color difference

By applying the divergence on both sides, we turn this into a Poisson Equation

Perspective Correction
Sometimes, we want to reconstruct pixels from parts of the image which are viewed at an angle. Let the user define piecewise homographies by painting in the vertices of square patches. Flatten the image by applying the homographies and use this flattened image for the image completion.
Input image with some area (the hole) which should be filled with data from the rest of the image.
Repeatedly shrink the hole by:
Selecting an area which overlaps both the hole and a part

Finding a region (fragment) in the image which is similar to

Copying over the pixels from the fragment into the hole.
We search for an optimal pixel offset

The first term is constant w.r.t.

The third term can be computed in

What remains is the middle term which corresponds to a convolution. We can compute this by transforming both the input image as well as the region

After we have found the best source fragment, we compute an ideal seam for the fragment we copy over. This can be computed by a min-flow graph cut.
Color Correction
Additionally, we adjust the color of the copied-over pixels such that they match the hole boundary. We do this by prescribing that the color corrected pixels

while on the boundary, there should be no color difference

By applying the divergence on both sides, we turn this into a Poisson Equation

Perspective Correction
Sometimes, we want to reconstruct pixels from parts of the image which are viewed at an angle. Let the user define piecewise homographies by painting in the vertices of square patches. Flatten the image by applying the homographies and use this flattened image for the image completion.
Give the smoothing operator for 3D meshes! Which weights can we use for this?
Smoothing Operator

Uniform Weights

Move vertices into center of gravity of its 1-ring neighbors. Performs normal and tangential smoothing. Leads to a regular distribution of vertices.
Cotangent Weights

Denoting the area of the 1-ring around
, cotangent weights move
into the direction of
. Since in a planar configuration, moving
does not change
is normal to the mesh. Thus, cotangent weights have linear precision. Cotangent weights mostly do normal smoothing. They can become negative for very long triangles. However, if the mesh is Delaunay, Cotangent weights are positive.
Mean Value Weights

are the angles between the edge
and the edges to the previous and next 1-ring neighbor, respectively. MVW have linear precision, they are always positive, but they are non-symmetric:
, in general

Uniform Weights

Move vertices into center of gravity of its 1-ring neighbors. Performs normal and tangential smoothing. Leads to a regular distribution of vertices.
Cotangent Weights

Denoting the area of the 1-ring around

Mean Value Weights


Give a physical interpretation of smoothing operators!
If we iterate the smoothing operator

until convergence, the
will go to zero:

We know that
approximates the Laplace of a function that interpolates the
. Thus

The physical interpretation of
is an area-minimizing membrane surface, comparable to the surface of a soap film suspended inside a wire loop.
By constraining higher-order derivatives of
, we can model other surfaces such as a thin plate:

which gives

and produces a surface which minimizes curvature.

until convergence, the

We know that

The physical interpretation of

By constraining higher-order derivatives of

which gives

and produces a surface which minimizes curvature.
How to prevent a mesh from shrinking too much when applying smoothing?
Error Control
Constrain the positions of the vertices such that they can only move by a certain extent from their original position.
A vertex
must not move by more than
from its original position
leaves its
ball after a smoothing iteration, it is projected back onto the closest point inside the ball:

Error Slabs
The movement of a vertex
is constrained to its original tangent plane. Its position may not deviate from the tangent plane by more than
. If it does, it is projected back:

Constrain the positions of the vertices such that they can only move by a certain extent from their original position.

A vertex


Error Slabs
The movement of a vertex

Explain the Incremental Decimation algorithm!
Algorithm Overview
for each local operator:
evaluate quality decrease
enqueue (quality decrease, op) into priority queue
pop best operator from queue
update queue
until target complexity reached or error too large
Error Metrics
Local Error Metrics: Plane distance, Volume change
Global Error Metrics: Hausdorff distance, Simplification Envelopes, Error Quadrics
Error Quadrics are particularly suitable because they can be evaluated locally: On the initial mesh, compute error quadrics for every vertex from its incident triangle planes. When two vertices are merged, the error quadrics stored in the original vertices are added. Note: Not 100% correct since some planes are added twice.
Fairness Criteria
To ensure a certain mesh quality, we can forbid some operators:
for each local operator:
evaluate quality decrease
enqueue (quality decrease, op) into priority queue
pop best operator from queue
update queue
until target complexity reached or error too large
- Vertex Removal: Remove center vertex from a 1-ring and re-triangulate. Topological operator. Degrees of freedom: Triangulation.
- Edge Collapse: Merge the two end vertices of one edge into one. Topological / geometrical operator. Degrees of freedom: Vertex position.
- Halfedge Collapse: Merge the start vertex and the end vertex of one edge. New position is the position of the end vertex. Topological operator. Degrees of freedom: None (which is preferable).
Error Metrics
Local Error Metrics: Plane distance, Volume change
Global Error Metrics: Hausdorff distance, Simplification Envelopes, Error Quadrics
Error Quadrics are particularly suitable because they can be evaluated locally: On the initial mesh, compute error quadrics for every vertex from its incident triangle planes. When two vertices are merged, the error quadrics stored in the original vertices are added. Note: Not 100% correct since some planes are added twice.
Fairness Criteria
To ensure a certain mesh quality, we can forbid some operators:
- Triangle Shape: Forbid operators which would produce triangles with too small interior angles
- Valence Balance: Forbid operators which would produce a triangulation where the valence of a vertex becomes very small or very large
- Normal Approximation
- Texture Distortion
How are Progressive Meshes generated, stored and reconstructed? How can we do Selective Refinement?
Original mesh: 
Incremental Decimation applies a series of decimation operators:

By reversing these operators, we can reconstruct
from the decimated mesh 

In order to make a Halfedge Collapse operator
reversible, we need to store:
Thus, each operator is stored as

Selective Refinement
If we want to undo an operator

the problem might be that one of the opposite vertices
does not exist:
In order to solve this problem, we store the refined mesh as a binary forest where the leaf nodes are the unrefined vertices and each inner node corresponds to a decimation operator.
During decimation, we remember from which original vertices our mesh started out. Initially, we store at every triangle corner a pointer to the incident vertex. As we decimate the mesh, these triangle corner labels remain intact. When we store an operator, instead of storing
as the vertices in the decimated mesh, we store the values stored in the respective triangle corners.
If we want to refine at a vertex
, we find the two opposite vertices
in the currently refined mesh by walking up the binary forest of operators until we find vertices that have already been instantiated.

Incremental Decimation applies a series of decimation operators:

By reversing these operators, we can reconstruct

In order to make a Halfedge Collapse operator

- Position of the source vertex which was collapsed:
- A pointer to the target vertex towards which
was collapsed:
- Pointers to the two boundary vertices which were adjacent to both
before the collapse:
Thus, each operator is stored as

Selective Refinement
If we want to undo an operator

the problem might be that one of the opposite vertices

might not exist yet if it is still not expanded
might not exist anymore if it has previously been split
In order to solve this problem, we store the refined mesh as a binary forest where the leaf nodes are the unrefined vertices and each inner node corresponds to a decimation operator.
During decimation, we remember from which original vertices our mesh started out. Initially, we store at every triangle corner a pointer to the incident vertex. As we decimate the mesh, these triangle corner labels remain intact. When we store an operator, instead of storing

If we want to refine at a vertex

Give a smoothing operator for a curve of vertices in 2D space! What analytical meaning does this operator have? How can we design a better smoothing operator?
Given: Line of vertices 
An intuitive smoothing operator is



Assuming the points are generated by an arc-length parametrized function

we can approximate the first derivative by divided differences:

And the second derivative by again taking divided differences:

Thus, the smoothing operator approximates the second derivative of the curve.
By writing the points as a matrix

We can write the smoothing operator as a matrix vector product

is a sparse matrix with
on the main diagonal and
on the two minor diagonals.
is symmetric. Thus, it has an orthogonal basis of eigenvectors
. We can represent
in this basis:

are suitable (two-dimensional) coefficients.
can now be written as

Thus, we can interpret smoothing as a scaling of the eigenvectors of
TODO: Eigenfunctions of U and DFT
Filter Design
Our smoothing operator reduces mid and high frequencies of the mesh. Thus,

only contains the low frequencies of the input. By subtraction, we get the mid and high frequency parts:

We now apply our smoothing operator only to those mid and high frequencies:

Combining the low and smoothed high frequency terms gives:

Which is a smoothing operator which only dampens the mid and high frequencies.

An intuitive smoothing operator is



Assuming the points are generated by an arc-length parametrized function

we can approximate the first derivative by divided differences:

And the second derivative by again taking divided differences:

Thus, the smoothing operator approximates the second derivative of the curve.
By writing the points as a matrix

We can write the smoothing operator as a matrix vector product




Thus, we can interpret smoothing as a scaling of the eigenvectors of

TODO: Eigenfunctions of U and DFT
Filter Design
Our smoothing operator reduces mid and high frequencies of the mesh. Thus,

only contains the low frequencies of the input. By subtraction, we get the mid and high frequency parts:

We now apply our smoothing operator only to those mid and high frequencies:

Combining the low and smoothed high frequency terms gives:

Which is a smoothing operator which only dampens the mid and high frequencies.
What is Mesh Decimation? Which algorithms did we look at and what kind of control do they provide?
In Mesh Decimation, given an input mesh, we try to find another mesh which looks similar but consists of fewer vertices. We would like to bound the approximation error of the decimated mesh. Also, we want to be able to prescribe a target complexity by giving the desired amount of vertices.
Algorithm | Approximation Error | Target Complexity |
Vertex Clustering | yes | |
Incremental Decimation | yes | yes |
Remeshing | yes |
Explain how to use Error Quadrics to compute the closest point to a set of planes!
We can represent a plane by

and a point by

Then, the distance from
to the plane is given by

Given a set of planes
, we want to find a point
which minimizes the squared distances to all planes:

The matrices
are called fundamental error quadrics and are computed as

From this definition, we see that the error quadrics of two sets of planes
can simply be merged into one error quadric by adding them:

Solution Approach 1
In order to find a minimum solution for
, we can find the eigenvector to the smallest eigenvalue of
Solution Approach 2

By computing

we obtain the linear system

Which is easier to solve than computing the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of


and a point by

Then, the distance from

Given a set of planes

The matrices

From this definition, we see that the error quadrics of two sets of planes

Solution Approach 1
In order to find a minimum solution for

Solution Approach 2

By computing

we obtain the linear system

Which is easier to solve than computing the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of

Explain Mesh Decimation using Vertex Clustering! What are the advantages / disadvantages of the method? How can Vertex Clustering be implemented out-of-core?
1. Impose a voxel grid on the input mesh.
2. For each cell containing vertices, compute a cell representative.
3. Create a new mesh which only has cell representatives as vertices. Three cell representatives are connected with a triangle if there was a triangle in the original mesh wich had one vertex in each of the three cells.
Quality Control
The approximation error is bounded by the voxel resolution
: Vertices are shifted by at most
Cell Representative
Out-of-core implementation possible
Works on arbitrary geometry (no manifold required)
Output mesh not guaranteed to be manifold
Loss of detail due to uniform sampling
Out-Of-Core Implementation
Required storage: One error quadric for every cell. Connectivity information (list of cells which need to be connected).
Processing: Read one triangle at a time. If the vertices fall into three different cells, keep a record on the connectivity list. Add the fundamental error quadric of the triangle to the cells of the vertices. After all triangles have been read, compute cell representatives and connect them.
1. Impose a voxel grid on the input mesh.
2. For each cell containing vertices, compute a cell representative.
3. Create a new mesh which only has cell representatives as vertices. Three cell representatives are connected with a triangle if there was a triangle in the original mesh wich had one vertex in each of the three cells.
Quality Control
The approximation error is bounded by the voxel resolution

Cell Representative
- Cell Center: Requires no computation but leads to bad approximation error and produces stair artifacts.
- Center of Gravity: Slightly better approximation. Introduces low-pass filter.
- Median: i.e. closest point to center of gravity. Less pronounced low pass.
- Error Quadric: Find least-squares closest point to all triangle planes in the cell. Produces best sampling of sharp features.
Out-of-core implementation possible
Works on arbitrary geometry (no manifold required)
Output mesh not guaranteed to be manifold
Loss of detail due to uniform sampling
Out-Of-Core Implementation
Required storage: One error quadric for every cell. Connectivity information (list of cells which need to be connected).
Processing: Read one triangle at a time. If the vertices fall into three different cells, keep a record on the connectivity list. Add the fundamental error quadric of the triangle to the cells of the vertices. After all triangles have been read, compute cell representatives and connect them.
How are rotations represented by quaternions?
Quaternions are hypercomplex numbers


We define the conjugate

the dot product

and the norm

By associating quaternions with vectors in
, the product of two quaternions
can be written as a matrix-vector product

From the structure of these matrices, we can show the dot product equivalence

We can embed points
as follows:

It can be shown that unit quaternions represent rotations. In particular, given a rotation axis
and an angle
, we can construct

Then, this rotation can be computed as

Note that
represent the same rotation since both the rotation axis as the magnitude are inverted.
It turns out that


We define the conjugate

the dot product

and the norm

By associating quaternions with vectors in

From the structure of these matrices, we can show the dot product equivalence

We can embed points

It can be shown that unit quaternions represent rotations. In particular, given a rotation axis

Then, this rotation can be computed as

Note that

It turns out that

How to register two patches obtained by a laser scanner using the Iterative Closest Point algorithm?
Assumption: Scanned patches have identical scale.
Goal: Find a rigid transformation (rotation and translation) for one of the patches to align it with the other.
Algorithm Overview
1. Initial alignment: Provided by the user
2. Matching: Find corresponding points in the two patches
3. Registration: Compute optimal translation and rotation
4. Repeat from step 2 until convergence.
Matching Strategy: Nearest Neighbor
For every vertex
in patch
, select the nearest neighbor vertex
from patch
Filtering: Remove those matchings where one vertex is a boundary vertex (since boundary vertices match to many points). Remove matchings with a high distance. Remove matchings with a high normal deviation.
Matching Strategy: Normal Piercing
From each vertex
in patch
, shoot a ray into normal direction. If this ray intersects with
in point
, add the correspondence
Given a list of corresponding vertices
we want to find a transformation
such that

Finding the translational part
just amounts to shifting the center of gravity of the
into that of the
by adding an offset

We just assume this translational registration has already taken place and just focus on the rotational alignment:

The first and last term are independent of

Problem: Finding a solution for the rotation matrix
requires finding 9 unknowns (of which 6 need to be constrained). Solution: Formulate the rotation as a quaternion (gives 4 unknowns with 1 additional constraint).

is a symmetric matrix. To compute a solution for
, find the eigenvector to the largest eigenvalue. Normalize to obtain a rotation.
Goal: Find a rigid transformation (rotation and translation) for one of the patches to align it with the other.
Algorithm Overview
1. Initial alignment: Provided by the user
2. Matching: Find corresponding points in the two patches
3. Registration: Compute optimal translation and rotation
4. Repeat from step 2 until convergence.
Matching Strategy: Nearest Neighbor
For every vertex

Filtering: Remove those matchings where one vertex is a boundary vertex (since boundary vertices match to many points). Remove matchings with a high distance. Remove matchings with a high normal deviation.
Matching Strategy: Normal Piercing
From each vertex

Given a list of corresponding vertices

we want to find a transformation

Finding the translational part

We just assume this translational registration has already taken place and just focus on the rotational alignment:

The first and last term are independent of

Problem: Finding a solution for the rotation matrix

After two mesh patches have been registered (e.g. using ICP), how are they integrated? Explain the two main approaches!
Given: Two aligned patches
with some overlap.
Remove overlap: Shoot rays from vertices of
in normal direction. Remove triangles of
which are hit. Then, do the same thing the other way around.
Merge: Walk along the two new patch boundaries and insert triangles to connect them.
Problem: This approach throws away a significant amount of detail information near the overlap region.
Move the boundary vertices of patch
along their normals so they lie on
Insert boundary vertices of patch
by splitting triangles.
Insert the boundary edges of patch
by splitting edges.
Remove the overlapping part of patch

Remove overlap: Shoot rays from vertices of

Merge: Walk along the two new patch boundaries and insert triangles to connect them.
Problem: This approach throws away a significant amount of detail information near the overlap region.
Move the boundary vertices of patch

Insert boundary vertices of patch

Insert the boundary edges of patch

Remove the overlapping part of patch

Name two approaches for Mesh Repair! What are their advantages and disadvantages?
Volumetric Mesh Repair | Surface-Based Mesh Repair |
resulting mesh is guaranteed to be watertight and manifold | no guarantee on output quality |
voxelization: may suffer from aliasing / sampling artifacts or loss of precision | structure-preserving: only modifies input mesh where necessary |
Explain Volumetric Mesh Repair!
Input: "Triangle Soup"
: Collection of surface parts which may contain gaps, intersections or other problems
Output: Watertight two-manifold mesh
: approximation tolerance
: maximum hole / gap size

"every point on the original mesh has a distance of at most
to a point on the reconstructed mesh"
but only if the closest point on
is not a boundary point

"every point on the reconstructed mesh has a distance of at most
to a point on the original mesh"
Insert all mesh faces into a voxel grid.
-blobs from all boundary edges.
Flood fill the exterior.
Erode the
-blobs from outside.
Reconstruct the mesh using Marching Cubes.

Output: Watertight two-manifold mesh



"every point on the original mesh has a distance of at most


"every point on the reconstructed mesh has a distance of at most

Insert all mesh faces into a voxel grid.

Flood fill the exterior.
Erode the

Reconstruct the mesh using Marching Cubes.
Explain Surface-Based Hole Filling! What are some problems of this approach?
Input: Boundary loop consisting of vertices
Goal: Triangulation
of the loop interior which minimizes some triangulation cost
which is a combination of e.g.
which produces a hole filling with low area and low normal deviation.
We denote by
the cost of the best triangulation for only the vertices

Solve using dynamic programming.
(Compute table for
. For every entry, consider
possible middle triangles)
Optional post-processing steps
Refine the triangulation of the hole.
Apply smoothing to the hole region.
Does not work for islands.
Does not consider self-intersections.

Goal: Triangulation

- the area of the triangles
- the maximum dihedral angle
which produces a hole filling with low area and low normal deviation.
We denote by


Solve using dynamic programming.

Optional post-processing steps
Refine the triangulation of the hole.
Apply smoothing to the hole region.
Does not work for islands.
Does not consider self-intersections.
Explain Poisson reconstruction in the context of mesh generation!
We assume an underlying characteristic function
that represents the object

By convoluting
with a smoothing kernel
, we obtained a blurred version

of which the gradient
coincides with the normals of the object we want to reconstruct.
Given points with estimated normals
, we can thus state that

In order to solve for
, we turn the problem into a Poisson equation:

Which can be discretized into a linear system by taking finite differences.
Non-oriented normals
If we only have normal directions
without consistent orientations, we can state that
should be parallel to the normal directions:

With the additonal smoothness constraint:

By convoluting

of which the gradient

Given points with estimated normals

In order to solve for

Which can be discretized into a linear system by taking finite differences.
Non-oriented normals
If we only have normal directions

With the additonal smoothness constraint:

How can graph cuts be applied for volumetric mesh generation?
Compute an unsigned distance field, e.g. by computing for each voxel the minimum / average / weighted distance to points from the input point cloud.
Create a graph from the voxel grid and propagate the voxel values to the edge weights.
Choose one point in the interior of the object as a source and the boundaries of the voxel grid as the sink. Compute a minimum weight graph cut.
Extract all faces of voxels through which edges of the cut graph pass through.
Create a graph from the voxel grid and propagate the voxel values to the edge weights.
Choose one point in the interior of the object as a source and the boundaries of the voxel grid as the sink. Compute a minimum weight graph cut.
Extract all faces of voxels through which edges of the cut graph pass through.
How to determine the position of a point using laser triangulation? What is the problem of this approach?
Provided we know the following information:
: Distance between camera and laser
: At the camera: Angle between direction to laser and direction to laser point
: At the laser: Angle between direction to camera and direction to laser point
We want to know:
: The distance from the camera to the laser point
Camera, laser and laser point form a triangle with inner angles

We use the sine theorem which relates the length of triangle edges with their opposite angles:

When the laser point is far away,
becomes close to
. Thus,
becomes close to 0 and the computation becomes unstable.

We want to know:

Camera, laser and laser point form a triangle with inner angles

We use the sine theorem which relates the length of triangle edges with their opposite angles:

When the laser point is far away,

Explain the Incremental Delaunay algorithm!
Start with one triangle that is large enough to contain all input points.
Invariant: The current triangulation is Delaunay.
Repeat: Pick next input vertex. Find triangle into which input vertex falls and split into three new triangles (1:3 split). Now, the newly inserted triangles might have lost their Delaunay property. Mark the edges of the triangle into which the current vertex was inserted.
For each marked edge, check the local Delaunay properties of the two incident triangles. If it is violated, flip the edge and mark the edges around the current quad configuration.
We examine
For each point, we find in which triangle it falls. Using a search tree:
After each insertion, we flip some edges. It can be shown, that the number of flipped edges per insertion is constant on average:
Thus, the Incremental Delaunay algorithm has a complexity of
Invariant: The current triangulation is Delaunay.
Repeat: Pick next input vertex. Find triangle into which input vertex falls and split into three new triangles (1:3 split). Now, the newly inserted triangles might have lost their Delaunay property. Mark the edges of the triangle into which the current vertex was inserted.
For each marked edge, check the local Delaunay properties of the two incident triangles. If it is violated, flip the edge and mark the edges around the current quad configuration.
We examine

For each point, we find in which triangle it falls. Using a search tree:

After each insertion, we flip some edges. It can be shown, that the number of flipped edges per insertion is constant on average:

Thus, the Incremental Delaunay algorithm has a complexity of

Explain the Sweepline algorithm / Fortune's algorithm for generating Voronoi diagrams! How can we directly generate a Delaunay triangulation?
Algorithm idea: Voronoi diagram is equivalent to the highest points of a set of cones centered on the sites. By sweeping a
inclined plane through the set of cones, all points where at least 3 cones intersect (i.e., the Voronoi vertices) are enumerated.
The algorithm maintains:
Site event
Occurs when the sweep line crosses a site. This causes a new arc (of initially zero width) to be inserted at the position of the site. Find into which arc segment the new site falls. Split the arc segment. Insert new arc segment in between. Now, generate upcoming circle events: Consider the neighboring arc triples containing the new arc. If these triples have distinct sites, create a new circle event by computing the circumcircle of the three sites and insert a circle event at the outermost edge of the circumcircle (but only if this point lies still before the sweep line).
If the arc which was split by the insertion had a pending circle event, this circle event is removed and new circle events are computed based on the new neighborhood of the affected arcs.
Circle event
When the sweep line leaves the circumcircle of three sites the inclined halfplane passes a point that is equidistant to the three sites. At this time, the center arc of the three sites shrinks to zero. Thus, the arc is removed from the arc list and a new Voronoi vertex is created.
Generating a Delaunay triangulation
At every circle event, three sites lie on an empty circumcircle. By connecting the three sites, we obtain a triangle with the Delaunay property.

The algorithm maintains:
- List of all currently active arc segments, each associated with one site
- An event priority queue, containing the positions of the next upcoming site events and circle events
Site event
Occurs when the sweep line crosses a site. This causes a new arc (of initially zero width) to be inserted at the position of the site. Find into which arc segment the new site falls. Split the arc segment. Insert new arc segment in between. Now, generate upcoming circle events: Consider the neighboring arc triples containing the new arc. If these triples have distinct sites, create a new circle event by computing the circumcircle of the three sites and insert a circle event at the outermost edge of the circumcircle (but only if this point lies still before the sweep line).
If the arc which was split by the insertion had a pending circle event, this circle event is removed and new circle events are computed based on the new neighborhood of the affected arcs.
Circle event
When the sweep line leaves the circumcircle of three sites the inclined halfplane passes a point that is equidistant to the three sites. At this time, the center arc of the three sites shrinks to zero. Thus, the arc is removed from the arc list and a new Voronoi vertex is created.
Generating a Delaunay triangulation
At every circle event, three sites lie on an empty circumcircle. By connecting the three sites, we obtain a triangle with the Delaunay property.
Give definitions for the Medial Axis and Local Feature Size. What is an R-Sample?
Given a shape
, the distance of a point
is defined as

The Medial Axis of
is the set of points to which multiple points have minimal distance:

The Local Feature Size of a point
on the shape
is its distance to the Medial Axis:

A set of sample points
is called an R-Sample if every point on the shape
is next to a sample point which is at most
times the local feature size away:

The Medial Axis of

The Local Feature Size of a point

A set of sample points

Name the two main approaches to extract the surface of a 3D object from a point cloud!
Contour Tessellation
Create a Delaunay tetrahedralization of the point cloud. Try to keep only those faces which correspond to the object surface (Voronoi Filtering)
Volumetric Approaches
Take points as samples of a volumetric representation of the mesh. Reconstruct the density function (weighted averaging, Poisson reconstruction) and extract an isosurface (Marching Cubes).
Create a Delaunay tetrahedralization of the point cloud. Try to keep only those faces which correspond to the object surface (Voronoi Filtering)
Volumetric Approaches
Take points as samples of a volumetric representation of the mesh. Reconstruct the density function (weighted averaging, Poisson reconstruction) and extract an isosurface (Marching Cubes).
Explain Contour Tessellation using Voronoi Filtering!
Given: Point cloud of an object. Goal: Triangulation of the surface.
In 2D: We observe that the medial axis of a shape cuts through its interior (or, more general, through concave regions). The idea is to let the medial axis cut away interior edges of the Delaunay triangulation of the shape.
Another observation: The vertices of the Voronoi diagram of the contour points approximate the medial axis.
Strategy: Compute Voronoi vertices and add them to the input vertices. Compute Delaunay triangulation. Remove Voronoi vertices.
In 3D: Problem: Some Voronoi vertices lie not only near the medial axis but also close to the contour. Thus, only keep those Voronoi vertices (called poles) which lie at the innermost or outermost tips of their respective cells.
For each cell, identify one pole vertex
as the farthest vertex from the cell center
. For
, choose the most distant vertex to
for which
Voronoi cells of convex hull points are infinitely large. In order to find
, average the normals of the convex hull triangles at
and use as
an outward projection along this normal.
Like in 2D, add the pole vertices to the input vertices. Tetrahedralize and remove pole vertices (and their incident edges and faces). Some additional cleanup is required to remove non-manifold configurations on the surface.
In 2D: We observe that the medial axis of a shape cuts through its interior (or, more general, through concave regions). The idea is to let the medial axis cut away interior edges of the Delaunay triangulation of the shape.
Another observation: The vertices of the Voronoi diagram of the contour points approximate the medial axis.
Strategy: Compute Voronoi vertices and add them to the input vertices. Compute Delaunay triangulation. Remove Voronoi vertices.
In 3D: Problem: Some Voronoi vertices lie not only near the medial axis but also close to the contour. Thus, only keep those Voronoi vertices (called poles) which lie at the innermost or outermost tips of their respective cells.
For each cell, identify one pole vertex

Voronoi cells of convex hull points are infinitely large. In order to find

Like in 2D, add the pole vertices to the input vertices. Tetrahedralize and remove pole vertices (and their incident edges and faces). Some additional cleanup is required to remove non-manifold configurations on the surface.
Explain volumetric approaches for extracting a surface from a point cloud!
General idea:
Tangent Plane Estimation
Given a local cloud of points
, we want to find a least-squares regression plane

or, for more points:

For a least-squares solution, we compute


If we shift all points into the center of gravity, this becomes

is constant, we can focus on the upper left

such that
Find smallest eigenvalue of
. Scale corresponding eigenvector to
Consistent Normal Orientation
Construct minimal spanning tree between all points with an edge weight

controls how points are penalized for being further away from each other, and
controls how points are penalized for having non-parallel normal directions.
Start at one point where the normal direction is known, e.g. the point with the lowest
coordinate. From there, walk over the spanning tree and flip normals to make them consistent.
Signed Distance Field Estimation
Impose a voxel grid on the input points. For each grid vertex, estimate the value of a signed distance function for the object.
For every voxel, consider some neighboring samples and compute a weighted average of the distance of the voxel center
to the respective tangent planes:

Iso-Surface Extraction
Using Marching Cubes. Output is a watertight two-manifold mesh.
- Estimate tangent planes from point cloud
- Consistently orient normals
- Construct signed distance field from point / normal samples
- Extract iso-surface mesh
Tangent Plane Estimation
Given a local cloud of points

or, for more points:

For a least-squares solution, we compute


If we shift all points into the center of gravity, this becomes



such that

Find smallest eigenvalue of

Consistent Normal Orientation
Construct minimal spanning tree between all points with an edge weight


Start at one point where the normal direction is known, e.g. the point with the lowest

Signed Distance Field Estimation
Impose a voxel grid on the input points. For each grid vertex, estimate the value of a signed distance function for the object.
For every voxel, consider some neighboring samples and compute a weighted average of the distance of the voxel center

Iso-Surface Extraction
Using Marching Cubes. Output is a watertight two-manifold mesh.
Explain parametrization using Least Squares Conformal Maps!
A parametrization is called conformal iff it is angle-preserving:

is conformal iff 

is orthogonal:

Furthermore, it
is conformal iff its inverse
is conformal.

Solve least squares problem

for parameters
. In order to get a unique solution, fix at least two points.
Computing Discrete Gradients

over a triangle given by corner vertices

and parameter values
For a point
inside the triangle, the interpolated value of

Geometrical derivation of
: Consider the triangle edge
. Along
does not change. Along the direction
changes most. The magnitude of the change is
, where
is the height of
. Thus,

We can compute the height
from the triangle area and base length:

Plugging this result back in gives

With this result, we get



Furthermore, it

Solve least squares problem

for parameters

Computing Discrete Gradients

over a triangle given by corner vertices

and parameter values

For a point

Geometrical derivation of

We can compute the height

Plugging this result back in gives

With this result, we get

How to create a Globally Smooth Parametrization?
Idea: Split input mesh into multiple (approximately quadratic) patches. Compute a discrete harmonic parametrization for each one. Some vertices will have neighbors which lie in another patch. The requirement for harmonic parametrization

must take this into account.
Introduce transition functions
which represent the transformation between patches
transforms the parameter
which is given in the local coordinates of patch
into the local coordinate system of patch
Thus, the harmonic parametrization system becomes:

Problem: For vertices close to patch corners, the transformation used to map neighbors to the local coordinate system might be ambiguous.
Solution: Fix parameters of corner vertices to the patch corners. Let the remaining vertices relax.

must take this into account.
Introduce transition functions


Thus, the harmonic parametrization system becomes:

Problem: For vertices close to patch corners, the transformation used to map neighbors to the local coordinate system might be ambiguous.
Solution: Fix parameters of corner vertices to the patch corners. Let the remaining vertices relax.
What are the properties of a Delaunay triangulation?
The Delaunay triangulation maximizes the smallest interior angle.
The Delaunay triangulation of a point set is unique (unless a triangle circumcircle intersects more than 3 vertices).
Dual properties of Delaunay triangulations and Voronoi diagrams
The Delaunay triangulation of a point set is unique (unless a triangle circumcircle intersects more than 3 vertices).
Dual properties of Delaunay triangulations and Voronoi diagrams
Delauny triangulation | Voronoi diagram |
Each triangle circumcircle contains no other vertices in its interior. | Around each Voronoi vertex, there exists a smallest circumcircle touching at least 3 Voronoi sites and containing no sites in its interior. |
For every edge, there exists an empty circle containing both endpoints. | For every Voronoi edge, there exists a circle containing both adjacent Voronoi sites but no other sites. |
Give two definitions of the Voronoi diagram of a point set!
Given: Set of sites 
Closest Points
The Voronoi cell
of a site
is given by the set of all points which are closer to
than to any other site

Halfspace Intersection
Each pair of sites
divides the space into a halfspace points which are closer to
than to 

can be described as the intersection of all halfspaces formed with other sites:

From this definition, it is obvious that all Voronoi cells are convex.

Closest Points
The Voronoi cell

Halfspace Intersection
Each pair of sites


From this definition, it is obvious that all Voronoi cells are convex.
How to compute a Discrete Harmonic Parametrization? Give three examples for weights!
Given a mesh with disk topology of points
in the mesh domain
, find points
in the parameter domain
A function
is harmonic if its Laplace is zero, i.e.

Use a spring model: Edges of the mesh are mapped to springs. Fix parameters of mesh boundary points. Relax remaining points to equilibrium by solving


Solve two linear systems:

To satisfy Tutte's theorem (and thus ensure a valid parametrization), use a concave boundary shape (circle, square) and have only positive spring weights.
Uniform Weights

Distributes vertices regularly in the parameter domain. No mesh structure is considered. Strong length and angular distortion.
Chordal Weights

Considers vertex distances. Low length distortion, but angular distortion is not controlled and thus high.
Cotangent Weights

In practice, low length and angular distortion. However, can lead to negative weights (violating Tutte's theorem).

A function

Use a spring model: Edges of the mesh are mapped to springs. Fix parameters of mesh boundary points. Relax remaining points to equilibrium by solving


Solve two linear systems:

To satisfy Tutte's theorem (and thus ensure a valid parametrization), use a concave boundary shape (circle, square) and have only positive spring weights.
Uniform Weights

Distributes vertices regularly in the parameter domain. No mesh structure is considered. Strong length and angular distortion.
Chordal Weights

Considers vertex distances. Low length distortion, but angular distortion is not controlled and thus high.
Cotangent Weights

In practice, low length and angular distortion. However, can lead to negative weights (violating Tutte's theorem).
How can you estimate the distortion introduced by a parametrization?
Given a parametrization

consider the Jacobian of
at some point

and its Singular Value Decomposition

are orthonormal, i.e. rotation matrices.
is a diagonal matrix and corresponds to an axis-aligned scaling.
thus can be interpreted as a concatenation of a rotation, a scaling and again a rotation. The distortion at
can thus be inferred from

consider the Jacobian of

and its Singular Value Decomposition

- Conformal / angle preserving:
- Area preserving:
- Isometry:
Explain Stretch Minimizing Parametrization!
Discrete Harmonic Parametrization may introduce unwanted stretch.
Idea: Repeat: Compute Harmonic Parametrization. Compute local stretch measures. Update weights
according to local stretch measures.
Stretch Measure
SVD of Jacobian of

Stretch Measure:

: Ellipsoid in
is enlarged by
. In order to make it smaller, push parameter positions away from each other in
. To achieve this, decrease local spring weights.
: Ellipsoid in
is shrunk by
. In order to make it bigger, pull parameter positions closer together in
. To achieve this, increase local spring weights.
This gives the update rule:

Idea: Repeat: Compute Harmonic Parametrization. Compute local stretch measures. Update weights

Stretch Measure
SVD of Jacobian of

Stretch Measure:

This gives the update rule:

What is Light Tracing? What is Instant Radiosity?
Light Tracing
Reverse Monte Carlo Path Tracing. Start pathes in random light sources. In the absorption case, connect from the current point to the viewer. Advantage: Can detect high energy pathes.
Instant Radiosity
Efficient diffuse illumination utilizing Light Tracing and hardware rasterization.
Shoot photons from light sources. At every bounce, place a point light source at the photon position and render the scene with diffuse lighting and shadow mapping. Accumulate the brightness values of all pixels in a buffer (weighted by current photon energy).
Corresponds to bi-directional evaluation of pathes:
Reverse Monte Carlo Path Tracing. Start pathes in random light sources. In the absorption case, connect from the current point to the viewer. Advantage: Can detect high energy pathes.
Instant Radiosity
Efficient diffuse illumination utilizing Light Tracing and hardware rasterization.
Shoot photons from light sources. At every bounce, place a point light source at the photon position and render the scene with diffuse lighting and shadow mapping. Accumulate the brightness values of all pixels in a buffer (weighted by current photon energy).
Corresponds to bi-directional evaluation of pathes:

Explain the photon path notation! Give expressions for Phong Lighting, Ray Tracing, Radiosity, Path Tracing and Photon Mapping!
absorption in the eye
diffuse reflection
glossy reflection
specular reflection
emission from a light source
Phong Lighting

One surface interaction. Diffuse or glossy.
Ray Tracing

Tracing from the eye. Arbitrary many specular reflections, then one final Phong lighting step.

Only diffuse reflections.
Path Tracing

A series of arbitrary reflections. Then, one final phong lighting step to connect to light source.
Photon Mapping

Arbitrary photon pathes.
Explain Photon Mapping!
Photon Generation
Shoot photons from all light sources:
Point light: Identical position. Uniform spherical distribution of directions.
Directional light: Identical direction. Uniform distribution of positions.
Area light: Uniform distribution of positions on the surface. Cos-thetha weighted distribution of directions.
For multiple light sources with different intensities: Adjust photon energy or photon frequency.
Optimization: Use projection maps to only shoot photons into directions where geometry is. Also requires scaling of energy:

Photon Tracing
On interaction with a surface with diffuse and specular reflection coefficients
Russian Roulette: Generate random number
Information stored in the photon map:
: position
: photon power (flux per solid angle)
: angle of incidence
Radiance Estimate
Replace the recursive term in the Rendering Equation with a radiance estimate from the photon map. For a point
, find the
nearest neighbor samples from the photon map and compute


Decompose the Rendering Equation

Evaluate the following factorizations:
Shoot photons from all light sources:
Point light: Identical position. Uniform spherical distribution of directions.
Directional light: Identical direction. Uniform distribution of positions.
Area light: Uniform distribution of positions on the surface. Cos-thetha weighted distribution of directions.
For multiple light sources with different intensities: Adjust photon energy or photon frequency.
Optimization: Use projection maps to only shoot photons into directions where geometry is. Also requires scaling of energy:

Photon Tracing
On interaction with a surface with diffuse and specular reflection coefficients

Russian Roulette: Generate random number

: Diffuse reflection. Store in photon map. Continue tracing (TODO: Which direction?).
: Specular reflection. Continue tracing (TODO: Which direction?).
: Absorption. Store in photon map.
Information stored in the photon map:

Radiance Estimate
Replace the recursive term in the Rendering Equation with a radiance estimate from the photon map. For a point


Decompose the Rendering Equation

: Diffuse reflections. Direction independent.
: Specular reflections.
: Direct illumination.
: Diffuse illumination.
: Caustic illumination.
Evaluate the following factorizations:
Direct Illumination. Compute using ray casting / hemisphere sampling.
Specular / Glossy Reflections. Compute using MCPT.
Radiosity. Compute using radiance estimate from diffuse photon map.
Caustics. Compute using radiance estimate from caustic photon map.
How is the Photon Map stored? How are k-nearest-neighbor queries performed?
Store photons in a balanced kD-Tree (i.e., a binary tree) with entries
. The two child nodes of an inner node
A balanced kD-Tree is constructed by successive median splits.
kD-Tree k-NN Search
: query point
: root node of subtree to be searched
Global variables:
: priority queue containing k-best search results
: distance from
to furthest result in
, or
if less than
is a leaf)
is left of split plane
if distance to split plane
if distance to split plane
More efficient: Compare squared distances
Store photons in a balanced kD-Tree (i.e., a binary tree) with entries

A balanced kD-Tree is constructed by successive median splits.
kD-Tree k-NN Search

Global variables:







if distance to split plane



if distance to split plane


More efficient: Compare squared distances
Why is Hierarchical Radiosity more efficient than simple Shooting / Gathering?
Adaptive Refinement
Only refines patches whose form factors are large, thus generates fewer patches than uniform refinement.
Generate fewer links
For each element, there is only a constant number of other elements for which the form factor is large. All other elements are connected on different hierarchy levels. Thus, the number of links generated by Hierarchical Radiosity is linear in the number of elements while for classical Radiosity it is quadratic.
Only refines patches whose form factors are large, thus generates fewer patches than uniform refinement.
Generate fewer links
For each element, there is only a constant number of other elements for which the form factor is large. All other elements are connected on different hierarchy levels. Thus, the number of links generated by Hierarchical Radiosity is linear in the number of elements while for classical Radiosity it is quadratic.
Name three ways to estimate Form Factors for Radiosity computation!
Monte Carlo Sampling: Generate random points
according to a distribution
and evaluate

Nusselt Analogon
Given sender patch with area
Project sender patch onto hemisphere of receiving patch:

is the angle between sending patch normal and projection direction and
is the distance between the two patches.
Project result into plane:

The form factor is the covered portion of the unit circle.

Problem: Assumptions only hold for patches that are sufficiently far away.
Rasterize 5 sides of a hemicube placed around a point on
Denote by
the set of pixels that see patch
. Then,

are pre-calculated form factors for the individual pixels of the hemicube.
Monte Carlo Sampling: Generate random points

Nusselt Analogon
Given sender patch with area

Project sender patch onto hemisphere of receiving patch:


Project result into plane:

The form factor is the covered portion of the unit circle.

Problem: Assumptions only hold for patches that are sufficiently far away.
Rasterize 5 sides of a hemicube placed around a point on

Denote by


Explain Monte Carlo Path Tracing!
MCPT solves the Rendering Equation using Monte Carlo Integration. The space over which is integrated is the space of all photon paths. Relevant paths are only those which carry energy: Starting from the eye and ending in an emissive surface:

The radiance at the end of this path is

(for every photon bounce, there is one term
for each pixel



generate random direction
If we choose

the return statement in the reflect case simplifies to just

The radiance at the end of this path is

(for every photon bounce, there is one term

for each pixel




generate random direction


If we choose

the return statement in the reflect case simplifies to just

What are two possible extensions for Monte Carlo Path Tracing?
Direct Lighting
Force all paths to end in a light source: When a photon would normally die, compute the direct illumination at its current position.
At each bounce, add one path that ends there. Needs to count total number of pathes generated.
Force all paths to end in a light source: When a photon would normally die, compute the direct illumination at its current position.
At each bounce, add one path that ends there. Needs to count total number of pathes generated.
What is the difference between Global Illumination algorithms and Image-Based Rendering?
Global Illumination
Simulation of light based on a physical model and a geometric representation of a scene.
Image-Based Rendering
Interpolation of collected data to synthesize an of a new viewpoint. Often with few / no scene geometry.
Simulation of light based on a physical model and a geometric representation of a scene.
Image-Based Rendering
Interpolation of collected data to synthesize an of a new viewpoint. Often with few / no scene geometry.
Name the two ways to think about light in physics? What effects can be explained by which model? Which model is used for Global Illumination algorithms?
Particle / Photon
Photon model realizes more important effects and is thus used in Global Illumination
Particle / Photon
Photon model realizes more important effects and is thus used in Global Illumination
Give the Rendering Equation in both formulations and explain all its terms!
Hemisphere Formulation

: Incoming radiance at point
from direction 
: Emitted radiance
: Hemisphere over the surface at point 
: Intersection point of ray starting at
with direction
with the scene
: BRDF: portion of light which enters from direction
that is reflected into direction 
: Angle between
and the normal vector of the surface at 
Surface Formulation



Surface Formulation



What simplifications are made for Radiosity? Derive the Radiosity Equation!
Simplification 1: Assume only diffuse surfaces.
Instead of BRDF
, use reflectance
Instead of radiances
, use radiosity
Resulting Radiosity Equation:

Simplification 2: Spatial Discretization
Assume scene consisting of patches
with constant radiosity

Plug the Radiosity Equation into this:

We know that
is constant over
(with value
), thus we can pull it out of the integral:

with the Form Factors

Instead of BRDF

Instead of radiances

Resulting Radiosity Equation:

Simplification 2: Spatial Discretization
Assume scene consisting of patches

Plug the Radiosity Equation into this:

We know that

with the Form Factors

Write the Radiosity Equation as a linear system and explain two ways to evaluate it! Which approach is better?
Linear Radiosity System

are radiosity values
is emitted radiosity
is a diagonal matrix of reflectance values
is the form factor matrix

Expand using von-Neumann series


requires row-wise evaluation of all form factors in
Idea: Only transport distribute energy from patches with high radiosity. Evaluate one colum of
at a time.
Store a tuple
for each patch:
: accumulated radiosity on patch 
: unshot radiosity on patch 
More efficient than Gathering but still



Expand using von-Neumann series



Idea: Only transport distribute energy from patches with high radiosity. Evaluate one colum of

Store a tuple

- Pick patch
with highest unshot radiosity
- Update all other patches

More efficient than Gathering but still

Define the Form Factors for Radiosity! When are the form factors large / small? How are reciprocal form factors related? Give the Flux Equation!

First integral: Averaging over receiver

Reciprocal Form Factors

Flux Equation
Flux is radiosity times area:

Radiosity is flux per area:

Explain Hierarchical Radiosity!
Radiosity is very smooth across most patches. Use adaptive refinement to only subdivide where form factors change. Problem: Subdivision leads to
complexity since each patch can interact with each other one.
Solution: Allow interactions across subdivision levels.
Adaptive Refinement
Idea: where form factors are large, subdivide the larger patch
if (
else if (
if (subdivide(
) >
if (subdivide(
) >
Alternatingly, apply to all unsubdivided patches
for (all links
.in +
if (
has children)

convert incoming to outgoing radiance

Solution: Allow interactions across subdivision levels.
Adaptive Refinement
Idea: where form factors are large, subdivide the larger patch

if (


else if (

if (subdivide(






if (subdivide(






Alternatingly, apply to all unsubdivided patches
- Gathering Step
- Push-Pull Step

for (all links






if (







convert incoming to outgoing radiance

Explain the de Casteljau algorithm!
de Casteljau algorithm gives a geometric procedure to construct points on Bézier curves.
Example: Given control points
(cubic spline), we compute

Note how this schema iteratively evaluates the Bernstein polynomials for all coefficients:

Useful properties:
Example: Given control points

Note how this schema iteratively evaluates the Bernstein polynomials for all coefficients:

Useful properties:
- Numerically robust: Sequence of affine combinations (instead of sum of scaled polynomial coefficients)
- First derivative:
What are spline curves? How are spline curves constructed from Bézier curves?
Spline curves: Piecewise polynomial curves which are maximally smooth:
Polynomial degree
Constructing Spline curves
This allows to create a cubic spline curve by only specifying A-frame vertices:
Polynomial degree

Constructing Spline curves
- Degree 1: Linear segments. Connect endpoints for
- Degree 2: Quadratic segments. Connect endpoints for
- Degree 3: Cubic segments. Connect endpoints for

This allows to create a cubic spline curve by only specifying A-frame vertices:
- Connect A-frame vertices by edges and split 1:1:1
- Add edges between each first and last vertex between neighboring edges and split 1:1
- Connect each 4 vertices with one cubic spline
How to create Freeform Surfaces from Bézier curves?
Tensor Product Patches
given a grid of coefficients
, compute a surface 
First, compute interpolated control points
for parameter

Then, compute the interpolated point along the curve of the generated control points
for parameter

given a grid of coefficients

First, compute interpolated control points

Then, compute the interpolated point along the curve of the generated control points

How to compute an interpolating spline curve?
Exploit endpoint interpolation of spline segments. Compute positions for spline control points
such that the positions of spline endpoints match the desired interpolation positions
Example: Cubic splines
Given spline control points
, we can compute the position of the closest spline endpoint as

Set up a linear system

and solve for

Example: Cubic splines
Given spline control points

Set up a linear system

and solve for

What types of culling are there?
Back-face culling
Skipping polygons which face away from the viewer (on back sides of objects)
View frustum culling
Skipping objects which are outside the region covered by the camera view frustum
(often used in conjunction with appropriate hierarchical optimization structures)
Portal culling
Only rendering objects which are visible inside a restricted region of the current view frustum, generated by the shape of a portal
1. render current room
2. for all portals of the current room inside the current frustum: narrow down the frustum and repeat step 1 in the room behind the respective portal
Occlusion culling
Skipping objects which are in the viewing frustum but hidden by other objects in front of it
Skipping polygons which face away from the viewer (on back sides of objects)
View frustum culling
Skipping objects which are outside the region covered by the camera view frustum
(often used in conjunction with appropriate hierarchical optimization structures)
Portal culling
Only rendering objects which are visible inside a restricted region of the current view frustum, generated by the shape of a portal
1. render current room
2. for all portals of the current room inside the current frustum: narrow down the frustum and repeat step 1 in the room behind the respective portal
Occlusion culling
Skipping objects which are in the viewing frustum but hidden by other objects in front of it
Explain Shadow Mapping! What problem is solved by Perspective Shadow Mapping, and how?
Insight: Shadowing is a visibility problem like the one for rendering in general.
Problem: Discretization of off-screen depth buffer leads to aliasing artifacts. The size of one texel of the shadow map in the final camera image is given by the following approximation:

: shadow map resolution
: distance from light source to shadow surface (affects Perspective Aliasing)
: angle between shadow surface and shadow map projection plane normal (affects Projective Aliasing)
: angle between shadow surface and image plane normal (affects Projective Aliasing)
: distance from shadow surface to camera (affects Perspective Aliasing)
can be decreased at the cost of memory / computation
can not be changed.
Goal: make
as large as possible.
Solution: Apply the frustum transform of the camera to the scene before shadow map rendering and lookup. This effectively moves the camera center to infinity and thus minimizes the Perspective Aliasing caused by the camera distance.
- Render scene from the position of the light source into an off-screen depth buffer
- Render scene from the camera view. For every pixel: Compute position w.r.t. view from light source. Look up depth value from off-screen depth buffer. If
, the pixel is in shadow.
Problem: Discretization of off-screen depth buffer leads to aliasing artifacts. The size of one texel of the shadow map in the final camera image is given by the following approximation:

Goal: make

Solution: Apply the frustum transform of the camera to the scene before shadow map rendering and lookup. This effectively moves the camera center to infinity and thus minimizes the Perspective Aliasing caused by the camera distance.
What are advantages and disadvantages of Shadow Maps and Shadow Volumes?
Shadow Maps | Shadow Volumes |
any shadow geometry | shadow geometry must be manifold poly-mesh |
omni-directional lights require multiple shadow maps | omni-directional lights are no special case |
requires additional resources (off-screen depth textures) | requires additional computation (projecting shadow volumes) |
aliasing / depth bias artifacts | exact shadows |
What is a 2-manifold? How can you tell whether a triangle mesh is a 2-manifold?
Two-manifold: A surface where every local vicinity is homeomorphic to a disc.
Triangle mesh criteria for 2-manifoldness:
Triangle mesh criteria for 2-manifoldness:
- the interior of faces is flat and hence homeomorphic to a disc
- at every edge, there must be exactly 2 adjacent faces (except for boundary edges with 1 adjacent face)
- every vertex must have a uniquely defined 1-ring neighborhood
Give the Euler Formula and prove it!

Start with a closed mesh with genus 0: 1 vertex surrounded by 1 face:

Three fundamental operation for extending the mesh:
Add new vertex connected by one edge

Connect two existing vertices by a new edge

Genus change: Connect two holes (i.e. faces) by one new edge, thus merging the two holes into one

Give the Euler Formula and derive the three Magic Numbers!

Magic Number: 2 times as many faces as vertices

Magic Number: Average vertex valence is 6

Magic Number: 5 platonic solids
A platonic solids with Schläfli symbol

- All faces are
- All vertices have valence

Number of edges cannot be negative:


Gives only 5 solutions for

: Tetrahedron (4 triangular faces, self-dual)
: Octahedron (8 triangular faces, dual to Cube)
: Cube (6 square faces, dual to Octahedron)
: Icosahedron (20 triangular faces, dual to Dodecahedron)
: Dodecahedron (12 pentagonal faces, dual to Icosahedron)
How are 3D volumes be represented using quadrics? Give the quadrics for spheres, cylinders, cones! How are quadrics transformed? How to compute ray / quadric intersections?
Scalar function
. Inside < 0, surface = 0, outside > 0. All quadratic trivariate functions are given by




at center
with radius

along the
axis around
with radius

apex at
, opening along the
axis with an angle of 

Quadric Transformation
Given a point
on the surface of a quadric

we apply a transformation to

we obtain

Thus, the quadric after application of the transformation is:

Ray / Quadric Intersections

Has 0, 1, or 2 real solutions.




at center

along the

apex at

Quadric Transformation
Given a point

we apply a transformation to

we obtain

Thus, the quadric after application of the transformation is:

Ray / Quadric Intersections

Has 0, 1, or 2 real solutions.
Explain Volume Ray Casting!
Volume Rendering Integral
Given functions for color
and opacity
(where 0 = transparent and
= opaque), the color for a ray
is given by


: opacity (0 = transparent,
= opaque)
: normalized transparency (0 = opaque, 1 = transparent)
: normalized opacity (0 = transparent, 1 = opaque)

We only want opaque pixels to emit color:

Volume Rendering Integral
Given functions for color
and opacity
(where 0 = transparent and
= opaque), the color for a ray
is given by


: opacity (0 = transparent,
= opaque)
: normalized transparency (0 = opaque, 1 = transparent)
: normalized opacity (0 = transparent, 1 = opaque)

We only want opaque pixels to emit color:

Back-to-Front Evaluation


Front-to-Back Evaluation


Early abort if
Given functions for color


We only want opaque pixels to emit color:

Volume Rendering Integral
Given functions for color


We only want opaque pixels to emit color:

Back-to-Front Evaluation


Front-to-Back Evaluation


Early abort if

Explain the Marching Cubes algorithm! What are its disadvantages?
Given: Volumetric representation 
Impose regular grid of cubes over the volume.
For every cube cell:

Impose regular grid of cubes over the volume.
For every cube cell:
- Sample the values of
at the eight cube vertices
- Based on a lookup table with
entries, decide which geometry to generate for this cell
- Compute intersection positions for vertices on the cube edges. For instance, the position of the vertex right of

- Creates mesh which can be highly over-sampled (requires Decimation) and contain bad triangle shapes (requires Mesh Optimization / Re-Meshing)
- Linear interpolation of distance values approximates smooth surfaces: Sharp features within cells are lost
- Aliasing artifacts due to alignment of the voxel grid. Increasing voxel resolution only reduces the size of the artifacts but they never go away
Give the Bernstein polynomials! What are their properties?
Partition of unity:

Define the Bernstein polynomial

Bezier curve


Define the Bernstein polynomial

Bezier curve

- Partition of unity
- Non-negativity
- Maximum
- Endpoint interpolation
- Symmetry
- Recursion

What problems are addressed by the Extended Marching Cubes algorithm? How does it solve them?
Problems of Marching Cubes
Solution: Directed Distances
instead of an iso-value, store three directed distances for every vertex: exact distance to the surface crossing along every cube edge
Solution: Feature Detection / Sampling / Reconstruction
Feature Detection
based on the gradient values at the edge intersections, compute normal vectors:

find the two normal vectors
which span the largest angle

find the normal
which forms the smallest angle to the orthogonal direction 

, we have detected a feature.
If additionally
, the current feature is a corner feature (two large opening angles). Otherwise, it is an edge feature (one large opening angle).
Feature Sampling
Find intersection point of tangent planes:

This might not have a unique solution:
Over-determined: No common intersection point. Find least-squares solution (closest to all planes).
Under-determined: Infinitely many intersection points. Find least-norm solution (closest to voxel center).
Solve using SVD:

Feature Reconstruction
Look up cell configuration from Marching Cubes table. If in a feature cell, insert feature vertex at computed position and connect with a triangle fan. Flip edges so they align with feature edges.
- edge intersections are computed using linear interpolation (inaccurate)
- assumes smooth isosurface: sharp features within cells are lost (aliasing problem)
Solution: Directed Distances
instead of an iso-value, store three directed distances for every vertex: exact distance to the surface crossing along every cube edge
Solution: Feature Detection / Sampling / Reconstruction
Feature Detection
based on the gradient values at the edge intersections, compute normal vectors:

find the two normal vectors

find the normal


If additionally

Feature Sampling
Find intersection point of tangent planes:

This might not have a unique solution:
Over-determined: No common intersection point. Find least-squares solution (closest to all planes).
Under-determined: Infinitely many intersection points. Find least-norm solution (closest to voxel center).
Solve using SVD:

Feature Reconstruction
Look up cell configuration from Marching Cubes table. If in a feature cell, insert feature vertex at computed position and connect with a triangle fan. Flip edges so they align with feature edges.
Explain the Singular Value Decomposition!
, a system

might be over- or under-determined. We still want to compute an approximate solution.
For any such
, there exists the Singular Value Decomposition
is orthonormal: 

is orthonormal: 
From this, we can construct the pseudo-inverse


Due to numerical imprecisions, we use

Now, we can compute a solution:

This solution is

might be over- or under-determined. We still want to compute an approximate solution.
For any such

From this, we can construct the pseudo-inverse



Due to numerical imprecisions, we use

Now, we can compute a solution:

This solution is
- a solution in the least-squares sense if M is overdetermined
- a solution in the last-norm sense if M in underdetermined
Explain different ways to store meshes on disk and give the average amount of memory per vertex!
Face Set
For each triangle, store the position of all vertices.
Shared Vertex
Store one list with positions of all vertices. For each triangle, store three indices into the vertex list.
For the vertex list:
For the triangles:
indices (i.e. ints)
Triangle Strips
Store a list of vertex positions. Each triple of vertices in that list defines one triangle. (Note: triangles have alternating winding)
Representing general triangle meshes as triangle strips:
For each triangle, store the position of all vertices.

Shared Vertex
Store one list with positions of all vertices. For each triangle, store three indices into the vertex list.
For the vertex list:

For the triangles:


Triangle Strips
Store a list of vertex positions. Each triple of vertices in that list defines one triangle. (Note: triangles have alternating winding)

Representing general triangle meshes as triangle strips:
- Apply 1:3-splits to allow for flexibility in mesh traversal.
- Generalized Triangle Strips: Store 1 additional bit per vertex, telling whether to replace the oldest or second-oldest vertex from the current triangle.
- Use multiple triangle strips for one mesh
Name and explain three mesh data structures for geometry processing!
Face Based
Store, for every face:
Problem: For arbitrary meshes, entries can be of different size (because of varying face valence)
Edge Based
Store, for every edge:
Advantage: Constant storage per entry
Problem: Start and end point are chosen arbitrarily. Traversal in both directions requires case distinctions.
Halfedge Based
Store, for every halfedge:
Advantage: Constant storage per entry, no directional ambiguity, can only represent manifold meshes
Enumerating 1-Ring Neighborhood
1. pick one outgoing halfedge
from center vertex
2. do something with the current target vertex
3. go to the opposite halfedge
4. go to the next halfedge
5. if the current halfedge is not
, go to 2
Store, for every face:
- pointers to all face vertices
- pointers to all adjacent faces
Problem: For arbitrary meshes, entries can be of different size (because of varying face valence)
Edge Based
Store, for every edge:
- 2 pointers to the edge endpoint vertices
- 2 pointers to the incident faces
- 4 pointers to adjacent edges (on each side, one in cw / ccw direction)
Advantage: Constant storage per entry
Problem: Start and end point are chosen arbitrarily. Traversal in both directions requires case distinctions.
Halfedge Based
Store, for every halfedge:
- pointer to target vertex
- pointer to incident face (to the left)
- pointer to next halfedge (leftmost outgoing halfedge from target vertex)
- pointer to opposite halfedge (not explicitly stored: store list of halfedge pairs. obtain pointer to opposite halfedge by flipping last bit of index)
- (sometime: previous halfedge)
Advantage: Constant storage per entry, no directional ambiguity, can only represent manifold meshes
Enumerating 1-Ring Neighborhood
1. pick one outgoing halfedge

2. do something with the current target vertex
3. go to the opposite halfedge
4. go to the next halfedge
5. if the current halfedge is not

Explain point based rendering techniques! In what cases are they used? How does real-time rendering work? What are disadvantages?
For very hi-res models, where triangle rendering would lead to multiple triangles mapping to the same pixel, it is more efficient to drop the triangle rendering and just render points.
Gaps between points filled by rendering splats (litte discs).
Possible improvements:
Real-time rendering of blended splat clouds: 2-Pass Rendering
Major disadvantage: For (approximately) correct visibility, point cloud needs to be rendered twice
Gaps between points filled by rendering splats (litte discs).
Possible improvements:
- Oriented Splats: Better approximation of object's silhouette (using normal information, e.g. from least-square plane of local neighborhood)
- Gouraud Splatting: Render blended blobs instead of discs (low-pass filter)
- Phong Splatting: Smoothly blend normal information, then shade in deferred rendering pass based on depth buffer and interpolated normals
Real-time rendering of blended splat clouds: 2-Pass Rendering
- render splat cloud to z-buffer only
- render colored and blended splat cloud again with depth write off and some depth bias
Major disadvantage: For (approximately) correct visibility, point cloud needs to be rendered twice
Explain how to transform geometry according to camera position and projection to the screen!
Concatenation of three matrices:

Look-at transform
Given a camera position
, a desired viewing direction
and an up vector
, we compute a orthogonal coordinate system as follows:

Now, the matrix transforming points from camera space to world space is given by

The look-at transform is the inverse of this, transforming points from world space to local camera space:

Frustum transform
Transforms points from a frustum defined by the near / far plane distance of the camera
and the extents of the near plane rectangle
into the unit cube
maps points on the near plane to
and points on the far plane to
Viewport transform
Transforms from the unit cube to pixel coordinates on a

Look-at transform

Given a camera position

Now, the matrix transforming points from camera space to world space is given by

The look-at transform is the inverse of this, transforming points from world space to local camera space:

Frustum transform

Transforms points from a frustum defined by the near / far plane distance of the camera

Viewport transform

Transforms from the unit cube to pixel coordinates on a

What is trichromacity? What is metamerism?
Cone cells in the eye only report one integral value, which is

is the incoming color spectrum and
is the response function of the given cone type. Since there are only three types of cone cells, each color stimulus can be described by a three-tuple
, the tristimulus.
Due to trichromacity, different color spectra can map to the same tristimulus value and thus produce the same color impression.
Cone cells in the eye only report one integral value, which is


Due to trichromacity, different color spectra can map to the same tristimulus value and thus produce the same color impression.
What is the CIE color model and why is it used?
Color system with artificial basis colors which allows all human visible colors to be represented by a triple of positive values.
This is not possible when using the natural red, green and blue base colors: In order to recreate the color impression of wavelengths between 450 and 550 nm, negative red light contributions would be necessary.
This is not possible when using the natural red, green and blue base colors: In order to recreate the color impression of wavelengths between 450 and 550 nm, negative red light contributions would be necessary.
Give transformation matrices for translation, scaling, shearing and rotation.


Shearing (here: x-axis is sheared into y direction)

Rotation around x, y and z axis, respectively (counter-clockwise when rotation axis points towards observer, clockwise when looking into direction of the axis)


Shearing (here: x-axis is sheared into y direction)

Rotation around x, y and z axis, respectively (counter-clockwise when rotation axis points towards observer, clockwise when looking into direction of the axis)

Give three basic projective transforms
Standard Projection
projects towards the origin onto plane

Central Point Projection
projects towards the origin onto a plane with normal
at distance 

note: Standard Projection is a special case of this
Central Plane Projection
project onto plane through origin given by normal vector
towards point 

Degenerates to orthogonal projection for
projects towards the origin onto plane

Central Point Projection
projects towards the origin onto a plane with normal

note: Standard Projection is a special case of this
Central Plane Projection
project onto plane through origin given by normal vector

Degenerates to orthogonal projection for

Characterize linear, affine and projective transforms!
Linear Maps
A map
which is
Representable by a transformation matrix

Linear map preserve the origin.
Affine Maps
A map
which is
composed of a linear map
and a translation:

Affine transformations can be represented as a matrix-vector product by using extended coordinates:

Affine maps preserve collinearity of points and distance ratios.
Projective Maps
Represented by a matrix-vector product using homogeneous coordinates.
Projective maps preserve cross ratios:

A map



Representable by a transformation matrix

Linear map preserve the origin.
Affine Maps
A map

composed of a linear map

Affine transformations can be represented as a matrix-vector product by using extended coordinates:

Affine maps preserve collinearity of points and distance ratios.
Projective Maps
Represented by a matrix-vector product using homogeneous coordinates.
Projective maps preserve cross ratios:

How to construct the vanishing point of a line? (analytically and on paper)
A point and a direction

define the line

The standard projection of a point

results, after de-homogenization, in the point

on the image plane.

Let us only examine the x-coordinate of this and rearrange some terms:

Now, if

define the line

The standard projection of a point

results, after de-homogenization, in the point

on the image plane.

Let us only examine the x-coordinate of this and rearrange some terms:

Now, if

How can 2D / 3D geometric objects be represented?
parametric: Range of a (uni- / multivariate) function mapping parameters to points on the object. Easy to produce points belonging to an object.
implicit: Function telling for each point in space whether it belongs to the object or not. Easy to test points for membership.
implicit: Function telling for each point in space whether it belongs to the object or not. Easy to test points for membership.
How are lines represented in parametric / implicit form?
With base point
, direction

Implicit 2D
Find normal vector
. Then, the line is given by all points
for which
Implicit 3D
Find two vectors
orthogonal to
. Then, the line is given by the intersection of the two planes given by
, i.e. all points
for which
With base point

Implicit 2D
Find normal vector

Implicit 3D
Find two vectors

Explain Barycentric Coordinates and give a geometric interpretation!
Three non-collinear points
span a plane. Any point
in this plane is given by an affine combination
, where 

The values
are called the barycentric coordinates of
lies on the intersection of
-iso-line which is parallel to
-iso-line which is parallel to
-iso-line which is parallel to


The values




Give the steps of the Rendering Pipeline!
Input: 3D Geometry
Output: Image
In hardware: Transformation / Projection programmable in Vertex Shader. Lighting / Texturing programmable in Fragment Shader. Visibility Test may be done after / during Rasterization (Early-Z).
- Transformation / Projection
- Clipping
- Rasterization
- (Local) Lighting
- Texturing
- Visibility Test
Output: Image
In hardware: Transformation / Projection programmable in Vertex Shader. Lighting / Texturing programmable in Fragment Shader. Visibility Test may be done after / during Rasterization (Early-Z).
Explain the Bresenham / Midpoint algorithm for line drawing!
A line with integer-valued endpoints
should be rasterized. W.l.o.g., we assume
(we can rotate / flip our pixel grid to fulfill these conditions).
The line is rasterized by starting with a point
on the line at
, and successively shifting
to the right
or to the top right
This decision is made based on whether the line passes above or below the midpoint

This condition can be checked by deriving an implicit representation of the line
. By taking
, we can define a normal to

and thus derive the implicit representation
In order to decide whether to go East or Northeast, we introduce a decision variable, which is initially
, we go East:
, we go Northeast:
Values for
can be doubled, thus using only integer arithmetic.

The line is rasterized by starting with a point

or to the top right

This decision is made based on whether the line passes above or below the midpoint


This condition can be checked by deriving an implicit representation of the line

and thus derive the implicit representation

In order to decide whether to go East or Northeast, we introduce a decision variable, which is initially







Values for

Draw a unit cube using 1-Point / 2-Point / 3-Point Perspective!
Vanishing point
is identical with the projection center
. Draw lines from cube edge
. The vanishing points of the cube diagonals
are found by adding lines with distance
to the projection center, parallel to the edges of the cube.
Vanishing points
lie on a line with the projection center
. Given a cube edge
, add connections from the end vertices to the vanishing points.
Now, consider shifting the upper corner
of the cube into the projection center. Then,
forms a right triangle with
, where
is the footpoint of
. Given the lengths
, we can construct the vanishing points of the diagonals of the cube.
can be found geometrically by constructing a half circle above
and intersecting it with the perpendicular above
Only the three vanishing points
are given. The projection center
is found by intersecting the three heights of the triangle
. Based on these heights, we again use Thales' theorem to find the right triangles above the edges of the vanishing point triangle. By intersecting the angle bisectors with the respective edges, the diagonal vanishing points
are found.
Vanishing point

Vanishing points

Now, consider shifting the upper corner

Only the three vanishing points

Flashcard set info:
Author: janisborn
Main topic: Informatik
Topic: Computergrafik
School / Univ.: RWTH Aachen
City: Aachen
Published: 18.05.2022
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